
BR24 Sport: OP-Complikationen: Alpin-Star Shiffrin right to the Season-Aus

BR24 Sport: OP-Complikationen: Alpin-Star Shiffrin right to the Season-Aus

Stand: 17.12.2024 9:25 p.m.

Killington is the big event at the Mikaela-Shiffrin party. Doch anstelle ihres historischen 100. Weltcup-Sieges stürzte Shiffrin et verletzte sich swwer am Bauch. Nach Complikationen bei einer Operation right dem US-Star non das Saison-Aus.

Mikaela Shiffrins Verletzung et die Konsequenzen scheinen schwerwiegender als zunächst gedacht. Beim Riesenslalom in Killington At the end of November, the war of the Ski-Alpine-Queen gestürzt and hatte eine tiefe Stichwunde im Bauch erlitten. No, it is indicated on January 29 on the portal, because the Heilung is not available for the report. Please note the correct Season-Aus droht.

“Wenn alles perfekt gelaufen wäre…”

“I think that when all the perfect gelaufen and drainage are easy to use, they will always be as safe, the season will be the hottest,” said the Rekord-Weltcup-Siegerin, who is on the eve of an unexpected operation : “Wir werden A woman leaves. I think they have a clear picture of what is functional.”

Tiefe Bauchwunde: Shiffrin has “wirklich Glück”

The sale is extremely unsatisfactory, “there is no life for this sale in our sport,” said Shiffrin further: “This is a corporate matter with a very schweren muscle sale. J ‘have a good look, it’s war.’ nur einen Millimeter von meinem Dickdarm entfernt.”

Before the operation at the Donnerstag, I must say that on January 29 there was an accident and an information message: “He is a man who has a small home, the connection with the shift in the journey, with d ‘other bruises, there was a war and no wealth entwässerte.’

Schafft Shiffrin until 100. Weltcup-Sieg?

Shiffrin stands in front of the winter seats of the Weltcup-Erfolgen 97 and is well equipped for the skifahrerin der Geschichte. Seats 98 and 99 took place in the slaloms of Levi and Gurgl, during the great jubilee spectacle in the hemischen Killington, which was a terrible comeback for the United States. Bereits vor der Saison hatte Shiffrin angekündigt, erst einmal keine Abfahrts-Rennen more zu fahren.

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Quelle: BR24Sport on Radio 17.12.2024 – 08:54 Uhr