
Advent calendar: verlost in Überraschungspaket | – Ratgeber

Advent calendar: verlost in Überraschungspaket | – Ratgeber

Booth: 18.12.2024 00:00

There are more than 14 stages in cultural podcasts NDR. Among the literary figures discussed by hosts Katharina Mahrenholtz, Jan Ehlert and Daniel Kaiser you will find a current bestseller and a free reading book. This quiz will test your literature and provide fun facts for upcoming party groups. These include interviews with business people and industry insights. The community game for the podcast a big roller. You can also visit the Old World Bank – from Norddeutschland to Süddeutschland to Zurich and Vienna – and you’ll find more there.

AUDIO: Sonderfolge: Glückskekse and Abgründe (68 min)

In December it is also possible to eat.READ.sleep.-Sonderfolgen mit Expliziten Buch-Geschenk-Tipps zu Weihnachten. Then you eat.READ.sleep.-Uberraschungspakete zu gewinnen. A mitzumachen, you must have it in your own hands. Richly lösen quiz.

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I eat, I read, I sleep. Now you can find a free packet of the winners: Lost of the Quiz! Quiz

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This theme in the program:

Editor’s note Culture | eat.READ.sleep. Books for them | 21.12.2024 | 5:00 p.m.

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