
Vereinfachung von Sicherheit et Netzwerkbetrieb

Vereinfachung von Sicherheit et Netzwerkbetrieb

Erkennung, Diagnosis and Management of potential Bedrohungen
Juniper Networks has integrated security and network configuration

Von Bernhard Lück

1 min Lesedauer

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Juniper Networks’ Secure AI-Native Edge enables network security and integration across all domains. In a Cloud and Mist-AI-Engine, there is SD-WAN (WAN Assurance), Sicherheit (Security Assurance) and NAC (Access Assurance).

Die Sicherheit von Netzwerken und Inhalten ist für Unternehmen im digitalen Zeitalter von entscheidender Bedeutung.

(Image: © ngstock – / KI-generiert)

Integrating network and security projects into a central Cloud and Mist-AI engine, thus Juniper Networks, helps create a Secure AI-Native Edge solution for an overall solution for increased security and support to network resources and to applications, with such tools. Erkennung, Diagnose et Behebung potenzieller Netzwerkbedrohungen beschleunigen lasse. The Juniper-Lösung is also intended for the loss of knowledge and the safety of the Universal-ZTNA-Lösungen (uZTNA) geeignet.

Juniper Secure AI-Native Edge’s core offering is the new Mist Security Assurance subscription software. With this cloud-hosted software, robots bring Juniper’s security and network operations closer. A simple dashboard includes administrator management lines for Benutzern authentication, for configuration commands and for configuring data services.

Security assurance is provided by diesel security technologies and uses the identical Mist-AI engine like cables, wireless cables, NAC and SD-WAN modules from Juniper. We invite you to discover the principles of AIOps, microservices cloud architecture and security paradigms within the Zero-Trust research center offered by Juniper. Combining security effectiveness and threat intelligence with end-to-end network operations provides insight into configuration, administration, and threat management in the network and security industry.
