
Automation: Single-pair Ethernet

Automation: Single-pair Ethernet

Single Pair Ethernet: Efficient Communication in Letzten Metern

By Manfred Walter, Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) Product Manager at Jumo; Thorsten Sienk, Phoenix Contact Fachredaktor

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Was the mobility within the electrical network, the automation within the Ethernet network. Beide haben das Zeug, Verbindungen auf den letzten Metern nachhaltiger et smarter zu machen. The sensor manufacturer has chosen to address the issue on Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) as the means of communication for your messaging technology. The latest information technologies are provided by Phoenix Contact.

Die Hydrotrans überwacht Feuchtigkeit, Temperatur et CO2-gehalt in der Production bei Jumo.

(Image: Jumo)

“We can offer you smart sensors with a better-matched Ethernet pair,” said Manfred Walter, Product Manager at Jumo. “I have a real answer, which allowed me to get more SPE sensor data. This method is not possible when a 4 to 20 mA sensor is not subjected to high current pressure – as an example of a temperature equivalent.

We can offer you smart sensors with better single pair Ethernet tools.

Manfred Walter, Product Manager at Jumo