
TI-Messenger: Report from TIM for the dateaustausch im Gesundheitswesen

TI-Messenger: Report from TIM for the dateaustausch im Gesundheitswesen

The Matrix protocol based on Messenger TIM is intended for recording information and documents for general use. Digitalization of information technology and technology is being executed in the coming years by the Matrix Foundation. For TIM, it is planned that the IBB in Austausch, the IT service of the Bundeswehr, will provide the BwMessenger and the BundesMessenger, as well as the transfer process of the matrix protocols.


Niklas Zender is the Mitgründer von Famedly.

(Image: Famous)

No matter where they are and where they are currently being used, they may also be changed over to the electronic patients who fail at the same time. On the TI-Messenger, Dr. Niklas Zender from Famedly explained that the software’s analysis made it possible to verify medical data and that it is often necessary to do so. Das Start-up has a guarantee for the implementation of TI-Messengers.

heise online: Do you know a man from TIM and Open-Source-Gedanken dahinter erzählen?

Niklas Zender: Auf der einen Seite gibt es den Quellcode et die Lizenz, which are defined, as the man of the Code is used now. Also, this page covers the topics of Maintenance and Know-how. Bei TIM does not have code for components, but these are supposed to be used for components. These components will be available under an AGPL license (GNU Affero General Public License). Die Lizenz erlaubt, dass die Komponenten nicht nur verwendet, sondern auch verändert werden dürfen, verlangt jedoch die Veröffentlichung ceser Änderungen (Copyleft).

Neben den Open-Source-Componenten bieten wir zudem zudem a support vertrag an, ouch die möglichkeit, den code proprietär zu werwenden. Thanks to this Angebot we are in the Lage, our software allows you to access better features and use another code of our components to use them.

Can you also have a standard aufsetzen and nutzen version?

The product may not contain any instructions, but it may not be verified by itself, but it does not contain all the parts that are available and also the Gutachten and Verfahren of the Gematik nachzuweisen sind. Obwohl wir anfangs die Idee hatten, alle Komponenten zu veröffentlichen, haben wir sehr schnell festgestellt, ass die nicht funktioniert.

Of course, Open Source is free and for small start-ups a first market position had to be designed, which is also the case for wet companies with the best years of study. In this case, there are some examples where the active Codes are indicated and do not have the Code used. If you are not offended, it is in Zukunft and you are doing it.

When in Germany there is a new Open Source strategy, what do you want someone else to do?

I’m a big fan of Open Source and I’m all for the whole concept of “Public Money, Public Code”. Aus meiner Sicht ist Deutschland hier in a absolun Vorreiterrolle and this is the best method, with this concept of innovation and new products in Germany at the forefront. Le Schlüssel für den Erfolg uns solchen Modells liegt jedoch darin, klar die Bedingungen für die Lizenz herauszuarbeiten. Thus, the quellcode is under a Copyleft for the administration gesture, for the free and free purchase and for the purchase, the round trips are also the easiest, a manufacturing model for another market, possibly at within Germany. aufzubauen.

Are there also extended language models (LLM) in TIM?

Currently no. Wir konzentrieren un tatsächlich darauf, ass alle Anforderungen an Datensicherheit et le Datenschutz erfüllt sind. The LLM or KI-Chatbots theme is derzeit eher nachgelagert vor dem Hintergrund, the End-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung this automatic interaction with our security is not supported.

This is a wider product for the world, the Nachrichten vollständig Ende-zu-Ende verschlüsselt sein sollen, wenn sie am Ende im Klartext bei Hyperscalern vollautomatisch verarbeitet werden. This method presents a clear definition, which is also automated in the context of the implementation of the end of the end. This is where we prefer a transparent theme and nut details, which is why the manufacturing company is on the end of the small job.

Auf der diesjährigen Matrix-Konferenz wurde auch von neuen Verschlüsselungsmethoden gesprochen. Wird TIM auch entsprechend neuer Verschlüsselungsmethoden angepasst?

The IETF standard “Messaging-Layer-Security” (MLS) (), the same of the BSI as a new standard for end-to-end integration, is a big topic and is not the best of protocols matrices. . A great offer is this, this transfer standard with Matrix zu vereinen. A combination of Matrix and MLS has huge potential.

Das machen Sie dann wahrscheinlich self?

When integrating the Matrix protocol into the MLS, a structured process will be followed and the end of the processes will be immersed in the Matrix Foundation, where you can take action.

We can help you create an independent Matrix Specification Change (MSC) proposal. This MSC has been described, such as the measures to be taken and the appropriate execution time for an implementation period, as this implementation can be carried out. The implementation of the protocol is also carried out as part of the commitment of the Matrix Community and the Matrix Foundation. The implementation of the new function will be carried out by maintaining the implemented components. When the MSC is changed, the Protokolländerungen in another Matrix-Version will be released.

MLS is our search tool for the complete puzzle, for all TI-Messengers. This is a very old review and not the be all and end all of metadata in Matrix. An example is that of Matrix Raumname and Raumbeschreibung nicht End-zu-Ende verschlüsselt sind. When there is a problem, we will help you, with or without your patients.

Falls man in the Raum so nennen möchte, wie der Patient heißt and mit dem Geburtsdatum versieht, then sind das Informationen, die user Sicht End-zu-Ende verschlüsselt sein sollten. The Gematik has a unique idea here, the allerdings and workarounds and proposed solutions. This star is the MLS a song. This was not the case, the TI-Messenger realized that this was the case and the process is implemented so that the server metadata is updated. If you are ready to use Zero Trust with servers, then MLS is available today.

This is also a linking of the versions to the TIM installation, which must be carried out together with your austauschen können colleagues. Do you want to know where the documents on TIM austauschen lassen are?

If you have other Messengers, you can send them the same dates. This is a detailed description of the date size. So the size of the TI-Messenger space is 100 MB, but the largest data is the most important. In theory there are also x-ray images in DICOM format versenden, the elements are activated in our application such as DICOM Viewer. The data needs to be patient or manipulative to download and view through the DICOM viewer.

A detailed description of the application is available in an information file from the clinic via the TI-Messenger and the versions and instructions from the monitoring organization. Das Krankenhaus lädt den Versicherten et der Krankenversicherungsnummer und den Nachversorger über einen Verzeichniseintrag in a inen gemeinsamen Chatraum ein. Dort kann der Entlassbrief sowie more relevant Nachrichten ausgetauscht werden. In Zukunft wird es zudem möglich sein, Videotelefonie zu starten. A video telephony group will be activated in the specific Matrix protocol and will already have a first version implemented. In the Beispiel the same communication takes place from end to end and an absolute game changer.

Können Sie einschätzen, do you want as much as possible?

The transfers made are carried out in Germany until July 15, 2025 by a TI-Messenger. The Unexpected War dies on January 15. Actual time with Davon aus, dass der neue Termini am 15. Juli eingehalten wird.
