
SAP Holiday Party: Germany is the first 100% railway format retail company

SAP Holiday Party: Germany is the first 100% railway format retail company

VYTAL Global GmbH

Cologne/Walldorf (ots)

The SAP Holiday Party marks a starting point in the company’s organization. Whereas a first construction installation of your large network in Germany will be complete with a 100% completed railway system. More than 12,000 customers are very free and zeigen, as large Firmenevents umweltfreundlich and zukunftsweisend gestaltet werden können. As part of the commitment of VYTAL Global GmbH, we have another partner with the project of a construction project for current business planning.

The SAP Holiday Party is more than an event – and it’s a statement. With the complete rail system from Vytal there is no elimination of falls, but it is a designed model, which is aufzeigt, like the Nachhaltigkeit and efficiency auf Großveranstaltungen Hand in Hand gehen können. Partners from Aramark, Consortium and Küchenservice offer an innovative solution for the event, which is the ideal solution for commodity packaging.

The SAP Holiday Party organizes the Gelegenheit, central Werte in die Praxis umzusetzen. Nachhaltigkeit is one of the best company strategies, and with this project it is possible to achieve great management resources that are designed to ensure comfort and quality.

While pioneer of the new developments, Vytal Global is a third party behind these projects. Mit ihrer Technologie et Expertise konnte ein offenses Mehrwegsystem geschaffen werden, das sowohl logistisch als auch ökologisch überzeugt. Speisen et Getränke werden in hochwertigen Mehrwegbehältern serviert, die durch smarte Prozesse wie RFID-Tracking nahtlos ausgeliehen et zurückgegeben werden können.

“Our partner SAP is currently able to ensure that the companies in charge of the business take care of you,” said Dr. Josephine Kreische, Managing Director of VYTAL Global GmbH. “Nach later, erfolgreicher Zusammenarbeit in the Mitarbeiterverpflegung ist the Partnerschaft von Vytal and SAP a continuation to the next stage of the elimination of a track in an overall global context. We will frequently be above the Ausweitung der Partnerschaft and will shine a positive light on the same month of 2025.”

The development company started the project of positioning SAP and Vytal as an expert in the current operating branch. Thanks to the team of experts, they have developed a master plan, with other entrepreneurs being inspired, who have ideas on them – they are in the big agencies or in the tab, and this in the management agencies.

The SAP Holiday Party does not engage in partner engagement for the environment, but also gives a special boost to the company’s industry. If this is the case, the first time you need to know what to do or what to do with it, you will find it through partners and innovative technology that will be realized.

SAP and Vytal commission service providers in Germany, who offer them examples. Gemeinsam lassen sich Lösungen finden, die nicht nur ökologisch sinnvoll, sondern auch Wirtschaftlich tragfähig sind.

About VYTAL Global GmbH

VYTAL Global GmbH has revolutionized the packaging industry in India, providing high quality packaging through advanced technological solutions. With modern software and data analytics, Vytal is cost-effective, with suitable packaging options, sowohl companies as well as the global environment are available. International was featured by the Harvard Business Review for its new data model, by Vytal and the Spitze des Globalen Übergangs zur Kreislaufwirtschaft. With a network of more than 7,000 partners in 22 states for camp entrepreneurs to create a complete package.


SAP SE is committed to providing services to businesses worldwide in the field of enterprise software and defining solutions for innovation and success. Mit Initiativeen wie der 100%igen Mehrweg-Weihnachtsfeier zeigt SAP, dass wirtschaftlicher Erfolg und ökologische Verantwortung untrennbar miteinander verbunden sind.

Press contact:

VYTAL Global GmbH:
Jennifer Ziegert – [email protected]

Vanessa Bomert – [email protected]

Original content by: VYTAL Global GmbH, published by news aktuell