
iPhone-Hotspot einrichten – then klappt es

iPhone-Hotspot einrichten – then klappt es

Mobile Internet at Apple

iPhone-Hotspot einrichten – so klappt’s

On the other hand, the iPhone has a new Hotspot. The Vorgang itself is not available. A reading.

18.12.2024 – 10:27 hours|Lesedauer: 2 Min.

If I surf the Internet, the lifespan is not even longer with the current DSL connection. Mit einer mobilen Datenverbindung kommen Sie auch unterwegs jederzeit en Internet. All mobile services are available, Internet usage and other services are free. If you have a Hotspot resolved on the iPhone, you will be able to do so here.

Two people sharing the internet between their phones using the Personal Hotspot feature (Quelle: Grinvalds via

Before connecting to your iPhone’s Hotspot, you will be sure to be able to access a connection rate, so that your phone is connected to the Internet via Mobilfunk. This reading is done so that your Internet connection is suitable for other free applications:

The Hotspot on your iPhone is activated and the resources deleted. Then in the aufgerufenen menu you will find possible solutions, such as another device for WLAN, Bluetooth or USB cable with activated Hotspot.

The simplest connection method for hotspots is via WLAN. So if you have the WLAN password of your iPhone-Hotspot, you will be able to do it better, it’s a sin, this one is not rich in details. The gelingt folgendermaßen:

Make sure you have access to passwords on high complexity to allow you to create an access point for your hosts for each missbrauchen. The WLAN password should be thought about in the long term, better still two or more. Verwenden Sie außerdem möglichst viele verschiedene Zeichentypen wie Gross- und Kleinbuchstaben, Ziffern und Sonderzeichen.