
Angelique Kerber with Beraterin at the Deutschen Tennis Bund

Angelique Kerber with Beraterin at the Deutschen Tennis Bund

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Angelique Kerber will become Beraterin of the Deutschen Tennis Bund in 2025. © Bernd Weissbrod/dpa

Sie war die erfolgreichste deutsche Tennisspielerin der vergangenen Jahre. Nach ihrem Rücktritt bleibt Angelique Kerber dem Verband nun erhalten.

Munich – Angelique Kerber with Beraterin at the Deutschen Tennis Bund (DTB). The latest global listeners of the last months and the elite women’s team during the Billie Jean King Cup as well as the last competitive matches will take place. The DTB part includes a set that includes “larger gears” of the summer sports car.

On the 36th day, in his railway under other Grand Slam tournaments at the Australian Open, the US Open and Wimbledon, worked with two of his professional coaches: Rainer Schüttler is the captain of the team at the Billie Jean King Cup, last for the Fed-Cup here. Torben Beltz became the young head of Bundestrainer Damen at the DTB.

Kerber zu deutschem Frauentennis: “Gibt Nachholbedarf”

„Wir sprechen eine Sprache et verstehen nos guts. Gemeinsam wollen wir das Frauentennis wieder nach vorne broughten. That said: “This is what I want,” Kerber said in the “Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung” about my new Job. “Mal wird es her a Rolle as Mentorin sein, werde ich Einzelgespräche führen oder individuall coachesen, mal findet das eher mit der Gruppe statt or beim Training on dem Platz. »

Angelique Kerber is the most successful German tennis player of the year. © Sven Hoppe/dpa

DTB stand Veronika Rücker spoke about “Stolz und Zuversicht”, which won the Olympic silver medal in 2016 for the award winners. “Angie war mit ihrem Kampfgeist und der big Leidenschaft onf dem Platz stets ein leuchtendes Vorbild for young Nachwuchsspielerinnen, die direct von ihrem Wissen et ihrer Erfahrung profitieren können. »

Rücktritt at the Olympia in Paris

Kerber’s war in 2016 and 2017 was number one in the tennis world. The three Grand Slam tournaments and the Olympia-Silber in Rio will allow you to discover the WTA tournaments. 2014 was the German team in the final of the Fed-Cup, which is a region of the Bas-Rhin in the Czech period. In their last final during the summer of Paris, Kerber was killed, his little dressing hat, his great career. dpa

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