
Änderung an den Regularien sorgt für Discussions

Änderung an den Regularien sorgt für Discussions

Next December, the Game Awards will arrive. A new rule for nominatives finds only one support, with a large disk.

After the summer events of the gaming branch, the gaming world will take place next December. We will immerse in this month and also find in these years Game rewards state. Thanks to the operating agency and Geoff Keighley, we made a game and their company developed a similar project.

The next prices will be found on December 12 and new rules will be available. The installation services in your official FAQ also include remakes, DLC and expansions for the asking prices.

Do you have new scheduled flights or periods?

“The Ziel der Game Awards have, for several years, been the best creative and technical works presented, unabhängig in the Format of the Offentlichung this Inhalte”, it is not in the FAQ. “New seasons, DLCs, remakes and remasters are in all categories, when the jury takes care of new creative and technical work for a nomination for a new era. »

Während these new rules of a nutzern will help you do this, but others will not be reversed. In the social environment you will find role-playing game, its own category for seasons, DLCs, remakes and remasters. Etere Glauben, the new rule does not concern us “Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdree” eingeführt. “DLC and expansions are not available for games of the years or other categories, in this great (new) game vertreten sind. I’m sure I have a fan,” he wrote on Twitter.

As the Game Awards have been awarded, they are satisfied with the nomination process and factors like new prize revenue or prize value. There will be additions, expansions, DLC and remakes over these years that will take place on the nominal list.

Show sorgte schon im letzten Jahr für Zündstoff

The Game Awards 2023 will be organized in the social environment with a disc. Einige Zuschauer et Entwickler warfen den Verantwortlichen vor, den Studios are responsible for their environment. Außerdem hätten zu viel Werbung et Prominente im Mittelpunkt gestanden.

The winners of the war won the prestigious Game Awards after half a minute of award their reward was given. La Veranstaltung wurde vorgeworfen, stattdessen Prominenten minutesnlang reden zu lassen.

Dies führte auch zu einer besonders unschönen Szene: Swen Vincke, Gründer and Chef von Larian, sprach bei seiner Rede über Teammitglieder, die im Laufe der Entwicklungsarbeiten von “Baldur’s Gate 3” Please note that the “bitte zum Ende kommen” is there. Dies erachteten einige Zuschauer als geschmacklos.

Quelle: The Game Awards, GameRant

More information on The Game Awards.

These news on the PlayStation forum are discussed

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