
Marktwerte Serie A: Thuram with Gladbach-Abgang mit 43-Mio-Plus – Hummels as in 2008 – News-Forum – Forum | Page 2

Marktwerte Serie A: Thuram with Gladbach-Abgang mit 43-Mio-Plus – Hummels as in 2008 – News-Forum – Forum | Page 2

Zitat of Meliodas

Zitat de crb_20

Wow. Serie A, my biggest competition both the strongest and boldest in the Golden World Liga, is conservative and prominent within the market. This means that there is no detail in the details. A Lookman zB must move in the mind. 80 million. Der Kerl performt wieder konstant und dass nicht nur National sonder auch International – inkl. Guter’s scorer Werte arrived in Alleingang Leverkusen and received 55 million rum.

Lookman is a 27-year-old who lasts 2 years for 10 million words transferred and in a long time he will be invited to the 6th match of the Champions League.

For 2.5 years of national training in a Top5 League, in a national assistance organization, he will be in the Anbetracht seines Alters völlig ausreichend angepasst.

The answer is that Serie A has a chance of success (Juve, Inter, Milan, AS Rom, Napoli or Bergamo if time passes at a high level), but it is also possible that the man has the Topmannschaft hat international. I am the only Italian team in the Top 8 in the world (for Liverpool, Manchester City, Arsenal, Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, PSG and in current form Chelsea)

Inter is in a Top-5-Mannschaft, which occupies number 2 to 3 in Europe. Niemand geht als Favorit zu uns in San Siro. Liverpool is active (and “active” mash describes a maximum form of 6 months) as number 1. The real man alone trotz durchwachsener Ergebnisse auch nicht zu niedrig einordnen. Arsenal, which is stationed at Inter for two years of the season, did not exceed Porto’s Elf counters while it was in contact with the CL, if it was not in the two highest classes high.

I have the Barça anfang of the season for the second best Mannschaft gehalten, doch das verpufft allmählich. Über City and PSG are not coming back. Until 2024, in Haut-Riege, it is not yet active. When I see a bad man, I see the old facts of the matter, and the time has come and we have to stand. Schnurzegal, wie hoch die Marktwerte sind. It’s the end of the day, it’s over, we don’t know what to do for the Playoffs. Paris is Dortmund’s season, for me in the CL immersed in the different circles of Topmannschaften gehören, sang- and klanglos ausgeschieden. Bayern never had a day further into the World Cup and began to fight for their next match. Bei Chelsea wird man schauen müssen. I’ll tell you that you can hear Constance also hear her songs. Die Qualität im Kader haben sie german (wild zusammengekauft).

The schlechte Abschneiden of Italian Mannschaften in the CL are sure to ensure that the phase is not that of the best European football clubs, while the CL is not as immersed in such strict priorities as those of the others. Zum Beispiel konnten Bayern e PSG im Ligaalltag weise richtigen e international Darum Vollgas geben. Zudem war der langjährige Ligaprimus Juventus spielerisch sehr fort auf heimische Gefilde ausgelegt et sah deshalb in der CL nicht gut aus. Jetzt hat sich viel geändert. Inter, Naples and Atalanta are present with Real, Barça, Bayern and Arsenal. mess. At the time, Milan, a sports club with structural problems, had many “bessere” teams and found themselves in La Liga up to the CL-Plätzen.