
MDAX-Papier Evonik-Aktie: So old that you have had an investment in Evonik for 5 years | 18.12.24

MDAX-Papier Evonik-Aktie: So old that you have had an investment in Evonik for 5 years | 18.12.24


18.61 CHF 8.09%

Kaufen / Verkaufen

There are 5 days of Evonik Paper on the XETRA box. Zur Schlussglocke war das Papier an diesem Tag 26.79 EUR wert. Meanwhile, the point on this is 100 EUR in investment offices, through 3.733 Evonik-Aktien. If the price of Evonik paper was 16.88 EUR, the planned investment price was 62.99 EUR. Damit hätte sich die Investition um 37.01 Prozent verkleinert.

Zuletzt ergab sich für Evonik un Börsenbewertung in Höhe von 7.86 Md. Euro. The first notification of the Evonik-Anteils was published on 25.04.2013 by the XETRA exchange. The price of the Evonik-Anteils costs approximately 33.00 EUR.

Although this does not happen, asset divisions and dividends are not clearly stated.
