
Bundes-Office-Suite: Could you openDesk? | iX

The main topic of digitalization is the moment of the Berliner Smart Country Convention. From October 15 to 17, the purchase amount is 18,000 Besucher year. Digitale Stadtzwillinge stehen neben eID-basierten Login-Konzepten, est geht um Registermodernisierung et den Breitbandausbau. Gedränge herrscht beim Stand vom vom Zentrum für Digitale Souveränität (ZenDiS). The open company GmbH today presents a second cooperation and integration without reinforcement: version 1.0 of openDesk, which makes it possible to create a suite of collaborations with the proprietary software in the German administration and in the Bund, which makes sovereignty safer digital – denn bisher hat Microsoft here from Fuß in der Tür.

More at the Light Tower?

And when the digitalization of the German company has been carried out or planned, it only has one man and one construction project. You are interested in more than 120 modern solutions found, with digital application being the most effective. The main companies working externally and externally are not at the Landes or Bundesebene level – they were mainly based on individual structures and specific services, the companies and the underlying Länder and their software are excellent.