
Tettnang: the Gotthard and the Krokus vibrate at the Schlossgarten Open Air 2025 in Tettnang die Bühne

Tettnang: the Gotthard and the Krokus vibrate at the Schlossgarten Open Air 2025 in Tettnang die Bühne

Gotthard and Krokus will be on August 10, 2025 at the Schlossgarten Open Air in Tettnang, together on the road. The Allgäu concerts are organized with the two conductors of the “beiden größten Bands der Schweizer Rockgeschichte” and. Ihre Show sei nicht nur laut et intensive, sondern auch voller Leidenschaft et musikalischer Geschichte ist, schreiben die Veranstalter.

Vorverkauf startet on December 19

The Vorverkauf starts on December 19 until 11 a.m., a card for 69.90 euros is then online for all Vorverkaufsstellen erhältlich. More and more artists, the Rahmen of the Schlossgarten Open Airs 2025 will take place between Joy Denalane and Max Herre on August 8 and Rainhard Fendrich on August 9.

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These Open Airs will be organized for 2025 during the Bodensee Lake Festival

Erfolgreichste Band der Schweiz

Mit 16 Number-1-Alben sei Gotthard die erfolgreichste Band der Schweiz. All studios that have debts have found the Spitze der Schweizer Charts, sieben davon schafften es sogar in the Top 5 der deutschen Charts. This award was given to Alben’s Million Award Diamond Award Group in Switzerland. With over 2000 concerts worldwide the Gotthard tour for over 30 years as a headliner in Europe and Japan and performed as a special guest for Rockgrößen like the Rolling Stones, Deep Purple , Bon Jovi, Scorpions and AC/DC. The Gotthard is a festival the size of the European rocky landscape. With your new studio album “Stereo Crush” in the Gepäck, you first had a new vorstellen set, with concerts in the Allgäu and.

Krokus feiert 50. Bandjubiläum

Die Band Krokus hat in den 50 Jahren ihres bestehens more Spuren Hinterlassen als jede andere Schweizer Rock-Band. You will be able to play in unique locations with the big world and the world with gold and platinum products in the United States and Canada. Today we have your music for everyone on American radio broadcasts. Famous Krokus fans include Alice Cooper, Jack Black and Lars Ulrich. Rihanna wears a Krokus and musicians fan-shirt created by the people of Memphis Tennessee. The band is still, like the man of the entire decade, hands-on, authentic rock and talented musicians.