
Talentschmiede of Europa-Park: Hanna Ronecker is head of the “Talent-Academy” on Broadway – Ettenheim & Umland

Talentschmiede of Europa-Park: Hanna Ronecker is head of the “Talent-Academy” on Broadway – Ettenheim & Umland

Hanna Ronecker (in Mitte) received a scholarship for her Broadway author. Photo: Europa-Park

Die Zehnjährige aus Denzlingen stellte ihr Können first in Rust under Beweis and trat nonn in den USA auf.

Hanna Ronecker, two years later in Denzlingen, was at the “Broadway-Dreams-Camp” of the “Talent-Academy” in the summer for her in-depth artistic study of the “Broadway-Dreams” scholarship. You can attend a show at the United Palace of Cultural Arts in New York organized by Europa-Park in a press release.

As part of the State Study Center, in 2023 the American Theater and Music Award “Tony Awards” was announced, Hanna has her talent for casting direction and teachers of the branch of Broadway and is in charge of the war and the bar for these. einzigartige Möglichkeit. For your performance, you will be informed by the experts in their words.

Hanna came in August in 66 years around the world, among others in the USA, the Netherlands, Ireland, France and Switzerland, ausgewählt. This is the “Talent-Academy” team, which will make its musical debut in New York – after Chillian Aliov in Offenburg in January 2018 and Ella Neumann in Rust in January 2022.

Hanna Ronecker for the United Palace of Cultural Arts in New York Photo: Europa-Park

Europa-Park sees the medium in its own training by the “Talent Academy” in Rust. The scholarship was established by the “Broadway-Dreams-Foundation” and New York’s premier organization, which deals with the international promotion of young people, is led by the most talented artists in the field of emerging artists. You have two premier training programs, workshops and mentorships for Broadway professionals.

There is the Foundation for pioneering creativity, independent business creation and the next generation of talent for inspiration – a mastery of public finance.

In 2018, the organization of the work of the “Broadway-Dreams-Foundation” and the “Talent-Academy” of Europa-Parks auf Initiative von Gründerin and leiterin of the Katja Mack Academy took place.

Plan for 2025

I recommend children, young people and young people from August 16 to 22 to the “Broadway-Dreams-Camp” which is located in the park’s leisure park.