
Erica Synths Perkons HD-01, Firmware Update 1.2

Erica Synths Perkons HD-01, Firmware Update 1.2

Sample-Import, Delay-Sync and more

18. December 2024

With firmware update 1.2, the Erica Synths Perkons HD-01 drum machine offers new features. What’s important is that you can import your own samples, even if you don’t need them.

Erica Synths Perkons HD-01 Update 1.2

For Perkons Voice 4, you’ll find three sample-based drums for playback. You can use the machine’s SD card not only beforehand. It is possible that the samples do not exceed the size of 256 KB and are in WAV format with 16 bits / 48 kHz in mono and with better performance. Then you can find the Startvorgang and the bisherigen Hihat-Sample in Voice 4 / Algorithmus 3 geladen.
You can also use parameter 2 for voice 4 / algorithm 3 to use a Shift function.

The BBD internal delay is longest when updating without clock synchronization. When sync is enabled, you can set the tempo to clock (/8/5/4/2) or multiplication (*2 *3 *4 *8).

The Tempo-Page (SHIFT + RESET) function is the same in the sequence rotation function. The task combination takes place in the keyset with the channel trigger keys rotating in sequence.
We can use the Channel Mute function so that the trigger and sounds are integrated or the trigger is used.
Außerdem wurden kleinere Bugfixes durchgeführt.

Update 1.2 for the Erica Synths Perkons HD-01 Drum Machine is available on the machine’s SD card, it is readily available and free.

Under this link you can view the HD-01 user review.

Yesterday the Meldung of November 29, 2023

Erica Synths has been updated for Drum-Machine HD-01 functionality with firmware update 1.1. Hiermit werden insbesondere the MIDI-Fähigkeiten bei the Programmierung von Patterns gestärkt.

Erica Synths Perkons HD-01, Firmware Update 1.1

The different channels of the drum synthesizer fall for all during their life with tastes for auf launch programming. You can of course use the instruments via MIDI to trigger them. The advantages do not belong to drums and percussion, but they can also be used with firmware 1.1, making it possible to use an angelschlossenes MIDI keyboard, also chromatic sounds generated in a pattern or simple live playing. The only one-step solution is the simplest.
Additionally, we will also provide you with velocity values ​​to create MIDI notes and create a pattern with programming. In the Configuration menu, global speed is disabled.
Usually the Präzision bei Aufnahmen in the internal sequencer works, when notes via MIDI, triggers or keys are played.

If you leave it there is a platzhalterinhalt von YouTube. To see the actual usage, click on Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten. Before you go to the beach, you will have to wait until the dates are left behind.

More information

With Digital Noise, Voice 4 is a new algorithm in Slot 1 mode. Noise can be managed and as little as possible with the two language parameters of timbre and attack time of the amp shell.
With the ODDS function, the models are reversed and active and inactive steps are activated.
You can also use the built-in FX parameters of the BBD delays (time, feedback) not only with an abgespeichert werden kit.

Firmware update 1.1. We will use the SD card for the Perkons HD-01. The update is free and available on the Erica Synths website for download.

We invite you to test the HD-01 performance of Erica Synths under this link.