
Zum Spektakel im Ally Pally: Do you have a darts video game?

Zum Spektakel im Ally Pally: Do you have a darts video game?

From December 15 to January 3, the World Darts Championship will take place at Alexandra Palace. If you have a video that you have already seen, you may find that the video is already in use.

An active video game with Gabriel Clemens & Co. is not available.
photo alliance / Action Plus

As the football teams prepare during the winter break, they are busy at Alexandra Palace in London in an event: the former masters of the world are playing darts. Mit sechs Teilnehmern nehmen so viele Deutsche wie nie zuvor am grand et wichtigsten Wettbewerb des Sports teil.

The darts hat is already in its original form. Gab is for one day of her weekend, the weekend in London, although this is the case, in Germany, by Ally Pally.

With the Darts-Fieber pack you can easily get a Brett kaufen and waste time. Doch Platzmangel oder Lautstärke der aufprallenden Pfeile les könnten im Weg stehen. Do you have an alternative to your PC or console?

Letztes Spiel knapp 13 years for her

Die schlechte Nachricht jedoch vorweg: An active and high video game on the PDC-Wettbewerben neither es nicht. Wer a ältere Konsole besitzt, cann dagegen mit long in den Ruhestand gegangenen Legenden virtuall and Oche treten. World master Phil Taylor was at his side.

Möglich is the PDC World Championship Darts, which should take place in 2009. Eventually noch verfügbar, allerdings zu bekommen, is the game for PlayStation 2 and 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS and Wii. Answers are offered for consoles, PC and smartphones as well as indie titles. These have ties with limited licenses and are also designed for gameplay that is not implemented.

For the nostalgic: PDC-Darts on the console

Ob est in Zukunft wieder ein hochkarätiges Darts-Videospiel geben wird, ist unklar. If you see the Frage, you will see that it is overloaded. In various Foren wurde bereits diskutiert. The war of the tenors, old lieber reales Darts zu plays. Now we see: Old times and old news Turnier eines Deutschen für weiteren Hype-Schub sorgen – and un Umdenken in Sachen virtual Darts.