
Wohin am Wochenende?: Tips for Frankfurt (Oder), Eisenhüttenstadt and Neuzelle

Wohin am Wochenende?: Tips for Frankfurt (Oder), Eisenhüttenstadt and Neuzelle

In Frankfurt (Oder) and the Eisenhüttenstadt you will experience an unforgettable Advent holiday. Familienmusical and Konzerte, Ü-30-Party and Weihnachtszirkus. It was wo stattfindet.


An article from

Frank Groneberg

Advent time: New family music with Schneemann Snowy (here a picture of the premiere) will also take place during Advent 2024 in Eisenhüttenstadt. Was it sonst noch los in the region? (Archive image)

Bernd Geller

This Family music “Snowy auf der Suche nach dem Glück” This is also a new year for old children and children. The events start at the Friedrich-Wolf-Theater Eisenhüttenstadt in Freitag, Sonnabend and Sonntag Jewels at 4 p.m. The credit card costs between 11 and 16 euros at the Platzgruppe.