
Is the Sergio Perez war so schlecht?

Is the Sergio Perez war so schlecht?

( – In a successful season for Red Bull, the 2025 season took place: Sergio Perez had a good journey to the 2025 Formula 1 season within the cockpit. A Stelle seiner with Liam Lawson, the former absolute Grand-Prix-Starts, the new Teamkollege of Max Verstappen. Doch wie langsam war Perez tatsächlich?

Sergio Perez’s Formel-1-Karriere arrived in Abu Dhabi with an unexpected end



2024: Perez sogar schlechter as Logan Sargeant in Vergleich

In the abgelaufenen Formel-1-Season lag Perez laut den Daten unseres Technologiepartners PACETEQ in qualifying at the end of the race 0.66 seconds for the race behind the Teamkollege Verstappen – who is in the jewels of the hour of the beiden Fahrer. Kein anderes Stammfahrer-Duell war 2024 therefore eindeutig. Selbst Logan Sargeant is present at Williams den Abstand zu seinem Teamkollegen Alexander Albon enger halten – wenn auch nur um knappe vier Tausendstelsekunden.

During the 30 qualifying and sprint qualifications, Perez revealed only one problem, Verstappen zu schlagen: During qualifying in Baku, the Mexikaner had a rank between two study programs like Verstappen, the following month. Doch also in den Rennen see die Bilanz ernüchternd aus. In 30 Grands Prix and sprint races, the 34 days had only one problem for Verstappen in Ziel. Dies war in Australia der Fall, wo Perez Fünfter wurde, während Verstappen ausschied.

This image also appears in the broader rhythm: Im Renntrimm war Verstappen Perez 2024 durchschnittlich um 0,56 Sekunden pro Runde überlegen – der deutlichste Unterschied 2schen Stammfahrer-Teamkollegen in der gesamten Saison. The closest misses the war between Albon and Sargeant, with a Delta of 0.38 seconds per race.

Die schwache Pace hatte also Consequenzenzenzen in der Fahrerwertung. Während Verstappen Weltmeister wurde, field Perez mit 285 Punkten Rückstand auf Rang acht zurück. Please note: The following season is due to take place at the time of the Mexican season in 18 months and 49 months.

Gründe für den Pace-Verfall von Perez

Perez war is not yet the same as Verstappen participates in the 2024 season. The best season of Red Bull War 2022, as the PACETEQ date, has arrived. Damals fehlten ihm im Qualifying durchschnittlich “nur” 0.39 Sekunden auf Verstappen, et im Renntrimm lag er 0.23 Sekunden zurück. This Leistung is heading towards the place written in Fahrerwertung one, behind Verstappen and Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc.

A theory for racing at Perez’s pace was suggested by the Mexican – like other drivers like Lewis Hamilton or Daniel Ricciardo – great Swiss chances with the Ground-Effect-Autos of 2022, while the younger generation of drivers is better with them new zurechtkommt regulation.

The claims are not such that this theory is supported by the published data. Bet for the 2021 season, Perez’ first at Red Bull and now under the other regulations, therefore war in the return of Verstappen for 2024, until 2023. Zudem war Perez im ersten Jahr der Ground-Effect-Autos 2022 näher a Verstappen a dran as I am Jahr zuvor.

Perez’s stand 2024 is so dark in the field of action, that it collapsed and collapsed in the rules of the game in the Formula 1. The 2021 differences between schnellsten and langsamsten Auto im Qualifying n lasted only 2.52 seconds. betrug, waren es 2024 nur noch 1.41 Sekunden.

Half-a-second Rückstand auf Verstappen konnte 2021 noch den Unterschied zwischen Startplatz deux et fünf ausmachen – 2024 had a half-second hinge around the Unterschied zwischen Poleposition and another in the second quarter. The Large Abstände 2 Teamkollegen schlagen sich in the modernen Formel 1 somit stärker in den Ergebnissen nieder.

Waren Pierre Gasly and Alexander Albon better as Perez?

Perez tratt 2021 bei Red Bull die Nachfolge von Alexander Albon et, der zuvor big Schwierigkeiten hatte, mit Verstappen mitzuhalten. 2020 it is the right of the road to be taken into account by the car at the right of the road, with über 100 points on the road at 17 am.

Also Vorgänger Pierre Gasly knows 2019 no longer available. Seine schwache Pace, more routs and situations, of Gasly in a single Rennen von Verstappen überrundet wurde, führten schließlich zu seiner Ablösung nach der Sommerpause.

There is a man on the qualifying dates of the 2019 and 2020 seasons, and Gasly im Schnitt lost 0.592 seconds to Verstappen, Albon fell behind by 0.625 seconds. Beide liegen damit knapp under Wert von Perez during the 2024 season (0.66 seconds). The man who has competed in all of Red Bull’s seasons won Perez in a very tough qualifying race by 0.561 seconds and lost the best of his three drivers.

In der Rennpace liegt Perez dafür deutlicher vorn. Im Renntrimm war der Mexikaner durchschnittlich etwas mehr als vier Zehntelsekunden pro Runde langsamer als Verstappen. Albon is also qualifying in a race with increasing time, when Gasly committed to a volley of seconds for the race – he also realized he was even further behind.

Trauert Red Bull Is Daniel Ricciardo behind?

Trotzdem is not the technical date of Perez who is not the best Red-Bull college of Max Verstappen. This man was created by Daniel Ricciardo. Twice 2016 and 2018, Verstappen qualified in a race by 0.154 seconds at Ricciardo. The 2016 war lasts only one season, in Verstappen im Schnitt’s war as Red-Bull-Teamkollege.

Damals War Verstappen took place on the 18th anniversary and embarked on a new phase of Lernens. Während Ricciardo 2016 im Schnitt 0.049 Sekunden schneller war, wuchs der Rückstand des Australians bis 2018 auf 0.267 Sekunden an – mit einer klaren Tendenz nach oben.

Some other drivers are present at Red Bull, so they need Verstappen like Ricciardo. Ausem Grund crashes the team, the Australian in the stations at Renault and McLaren carried out a test phase at Racing Bulls zurückzuholen. Allerdings gained Ricciardos’ reputation in the German regions from Lando Norris at McLaren and Yuki Tsunoda at Racing Bulls Risse. Die Zweifel an einer Red-Bull-Rückkehr wurden zu groß.

Übrigens: The last technician of Teamkollege Verstappens is Carlos Sainz, who went into qualifying time. In the common era of Toro Rosso (2015 and the first day of Rennes 2016), Sainz im Schnitt 0.075 seconds passes as Verstappen. Im Rennen hatte der Spanier jedoch Schwierigkeiten: In 23 gemeinsamen Starts holte Verstappen 46 Punkte für Toro Rosso, Sainz lediglich 16.

An in-depth analysis by Red-Bull-Zeit by Sergio Perez about the date is also relevant. YouTube channel of Formel1.dethe latest expert Kevin Hermann was appointed by Liam Lawson, the wealthy subject matter expert for the Mexican.