
Ben Affleck and J.Lo have trotz Scheidung eng verbunden

Ben Affleck and J.Lo have trotz Scheidung eng verbunden

Ben Affleck (52 years old) and Jennifer Lopez (55 years old) were more numerous than a year ago. Doch ihr Kontakt zueinander soll trotz der Trennung weiterhin bestehen bleiben. An initiated insider Page six verriet, würden die beiden Stars planen, “verbunden zu bleiben”, also wenn keine romantische Beziehung more zwischen ihnen besteht. This implementation is ensured by Monate according to the official plan Jennifer on August 20, two new members of the House of Representatives. If you are a Kinder, if you are in a diesel engine, you should stop if you are still in the Orbit.

In 2002, the Sängerin and the Schauspieler took place on the film set of “Gigli” and galten damals schnell like the Hollywood-Traumpaar. During their first interview and training in January 2004, they traveled to April 2021 to prepare and prepare for the 2022 summer of Jawort. Obwohl ihre Ehe nonn gescheitert ist, scheint der familiäre Zusammenhalt Priorität zu haben. “Ben and Jennifer call themselves friends. If the children of the others are not there yet, and they are the same as other children, they should be in the same old age when they are at home with Patchwork-Family“, said the Quelle Page six.

Private bleiben Jennifer And Bens Leben also nach der Scheidung eng mit ihren Familien verwoben. Neben den Zwillingen Emme and Max, die Jennifer with your Ex-Mann Marc Anthony hat (56), bring Well three children in the Ehe family with Jennifer Garner (52) with. Sowohl J.Lo also also Well If you do not know what to do, the larger version of the Verbindung of the Kindergarten legend and the other side of the story should be taken into account.