
Native Instruments Electric Storm Deluxe, software instrument Gitarren

Native Instruments Electric Storm Deluxe, software instrument Gitarren

Virtual electronic guitar for the DAW

December 19, 2024

Native Instruments Electric Storm Deluxe, software instrument Gitarren

With Native Instruments Electric Storm Deluxe is a new software instrument from NI. The configuration of the best guitar portfolios today includes an 8-part electronic guitar with Drop-Tuning and an Oktaven im Fokus.

Native Instruments Electric Storm Deluxe

For the new software instrument from Native Instruments, the man experienced with Drumasonic created a Framus Custom Shop Panthera E-Gitarre with a Saiten and a Humbucker hybrid and a Single Coil-Pick-Up configuration. With the two tones and one bass sound, the microphones on the guitar are high-gain-toned, kraftvollen Riffs as the Flageolets-Sounds, mitsamt flexiblem Umschalten zwischen Hals-, Steg- und Mittelposition, überzeugen.

Nachdem Native Instruments provides you with years of ready-made virtual guitars and electric guitars, allowing you to create an electric guitar like Electric Mint and Electric Vintage. Nonne widmet man sich aussi den etwas härteren Sounds.

In the DAW, Electric Storm Deluxe is integrated in two variants: a pattern-based engine for riffs and a melodic mode for solos and lead rhythms. These links are also separate contacts for the instruments and to help them carry out and provide services, as well as combinations.

It integrates the E-Gitarre 270 Riffs and Picking-Pattern software, with 16 different rhythms up to complex Sweeps, Strumming and Tapping schnellem. Possible phrases and settings can be made with excellent MIDI drag and drop into the DAW more easily. And for a natural feeling of feeling swing, humanization and action, the software instrument is automatically used for hammers, pull-offs, slides, taps, finger vibrato or Whammy.

Aus 54 Sound-Presets verschiedener categories like Clean, Crunch, High-Gain, Lead, Modulation and SFX/Scoring the easiest to use. Alternatively, you can use two DI signals and a clean mic signal and use clean effects/amp simulations. Thanks to three parallel effects chains with virtual amps, cabinets, studio effects and studio effects like compressors, EQ, reverb, distortion, modulation and delay, as little as possible is of the original signal .

Here is the official video presentation of session guitarist Electric Storm. On the Native Instruments website you will find other audio games.

If you leave it there is a platzhalterinhalt von YouTube. To see the actual usage, click on Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten. Before you go to the beach, you will have to wait until the dates are left behind.

More information

A Native Instruments Electric Storm Deluxe is available using Sampler Kontakt (Player) 8.10 software, on a computer with macOS 12 (or newer) bzw. Windows 10 (or newer) works.

Electric Storm Deluxe is now at an affordable price of 129,- euros. Später is the virtual Guitar 149,- Euro cost.