
Articles | TONY HAWK’S PRO SKATER 2: An insane soundtrack!

Articles | TONY HAWK’S PRO SKATER 2: An insane soundtrack!

TONY HAWK’S PRO SKATER 2: An insane soundtrack!

19.12.2024 | 8:12 p.m.

With the soundtrack, a video game meinen Musikgeschmack to immerse yourself solllte.

Here I offer you a video game with a new musical film that takes place, my musical device is broadcast and offered and my project is focused on various genres.

Wir schreiben das Jahr 2000. Ich war Grundschüler and stand, was my Musikgeschmack angeht, noch ganz am Anfang myer musikalischen Reise. Thanks to me Vater and my “musikalische Früherziehung” I can do rock like the LED ZEPPELIN show and DEEP PURPLE and also the good OZZY OSBOURNE or RAINBOW which don’t concern me at all. When Papa Musik played with his hat, I put it to music. I now want to have my own songs, in my children’s world, sich zu this Zeitpunkt her Kassetten, CD and Hörspiele für Kinder. I’m also fighting today to find new music for my time and new music for me. We are also in this thematic section: Neben dem Fußballspielen entdeckte ich zu this Zeit durch einen Kumpel auch Skateboardfahren für mich, doch nicht nur im realen Leben, sondern auch virtuall sollte die meinen Leben for immer verändern. So it’s true, it’s so instinct. Soviel zur Vorgeschichte.

Kommen wir nonn also zum spannenden Teil der Geschichte! While one day during a small town story in a town created by the Gang with Playstation games, I am in Regal who, in this game, told me: “TONY HAWK’S PRO SKATER 2”.

Skate on the Playstation? Wie cool ist the denn, dachte ich mir! Sich endlich wie un Skateprofi fühlen, waghalsige Tricks meistern, Treppengeländer mit dem Skatebord herunterschlittern, by die Skateparks fegen et zum König der Halfpipe werden! Das war von der Sekunde an alles, was ich wollte. Doch das Spiel einfach kaufen war as Grundschüler nicht drin et einfach so bekam man das Spiel nicht geschenkt. So what do you think of the game in the air? The answer is: good grades! He also talks about other paths and therefore lets me understand that I am in the school in the Zeug and that he takes a note from Spitzen in the other houses. And then the war ends like this, in a long phase of learning and intervention which will take place on the way to the city, a mirror like the Belohnung das Spiel zu kaufen. Das Lernen hatte sich gelohnt! We bought this game and I started it, it’s the complete Heimfahrt ganz fest and I’m ready to do anything to finish the game. Zu Hause angekommen, je suis la Schuhe aus, schmiss sie in die Ecke, meine Jacke auf den Boden et rannte mit dem Spiel in my Zimmer. Jetzt chatter est nur noch das Spiel et mich. I played the game in the console and looked at my TV, launched the Playstation and launched the game by loading it. My Herz klopfte and my Augen wurden groß. And then the Moment, of my Leben für immer verändern sollte: the Introvideo. Cool Skater, along half-pipes, along flying tracks and wahnwitzige tricks and vollführten sprints. So you don’t have to worry about Skater and his tricks, they’re all fun. Nein, da war noch etwas anderes: die Musik!
Music, as I don’t do yet, in my Leben Gehört Hatte. I leave the controller on the page, schnappte mir meine Fernbedienung: Das muss ich lauter machen, dachte ich mir! And so ertönte ‘Guerrilla Radio’ from RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE in a single beach speech within my public radio stations!

And it is not my Augen, but my Ohren wurden groß, that I fight like weggeblasen. Dad’s rock music is naturally cool and cool, but it’s where I’m here, it’s also cool. It’s rockte, but the irgendwie rockte es anders, is klang wild, verrückt and irgendwie so frisch and new.

In my smallest parts of the world, I don’t have access to virtual halfpipes and skateparks, and I’m looking for a new musical world for myself. If it’s an offer, a new world, I end up with a skateprofi, heaven was a half-pipe, you’re happy to know! Even though it’s not virtual skateboarding, that cool, intuitive soundtrack doesn’t really make me happy. Next we have RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE with “Guerrilla Radio”, as Crossover bzw. funkiger Rock with Rapeinlagen klingt, gab mir BAD RELIGION with dem Song ‘You’ eine Vorstellung davon, comme le American Punkrock klingen kann, während mir FU MANCHU beibrachte, was Stoner Rock ist.

Naturally, I have nothing to do with the genres and people around the world, who have a fair market, these groups are all very rock, on the other hand, they are all the same in their own art and in their life . This soundtrack contains a fantastic variety of varied genres, where the man in the rockige Schublade can have a Hip/Hop and Crossover award and the song Big Beat by the DUB PISTOLS. And a war mir ab this Zeitpunkt clear: Das hier ist ganz anders als das, was im Radio läuft. Das hier must die Music für die coolen Jungs sein! And when in my Leben Momente chat, from there I can behave, I am badly “cool” and I will then make unexpected surprises for my Playstation as Grundschüler, with my game “Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2”, like Me. a true Skate-Profi fühlte and jeden einzelnen Song wie ein Schwamm aufsog.

The punk rocker from LAGWAGON with his hit “May 16” also had an unglaubliches and a kribbeln journey into the Bauch, a journey of freedom and rebellion, and others within and to dabei gut zu fühlen.
PAPA ROACH’s ‘Blood Brothers’ introduced me to this awesome riff in the best skatepark performances and made me experience the Zockens headbangen.
The artist like STYLES OF BEYOND zeigten mir mit ‘Subculture’, was a Rap/Hip-Hop artist; There are many songs that don’t seem to be the same as the Rockigen Songs, but they are interesting when they fall.

DUB PISTOLS takes inspiration from Big Beat funkigen to be better. All of the tracks on Crossover were interpreted as a Nu Metal track, with ALLEY LIFE ft. BLACK PLANET and their song ‘Out With The Old’. Mich begeisterte the Zusammenspiel von den rockigen Instrumenten in Verbindung mit the modernen Rapgesang. Das hatte einfach was and passte für mich gut zusammen. It is true that I realized that other people had done it and that, for everyone, they were mir gezeigt, as a master of music can understand and the man towards a versatile style of music can to say that he can and that he wants new means.

It is also true that Heavy Sollte is performed by ANTHRAX ft. CHUCK D. von PUBLIC ENEMY in “Bring The Noise” with the Ohrens and myself in the knee socks. When Metalgitarrensound is applied to oldschool hip-hop, it includes Scratching and percussion. Ebenfalls eine echte Offenbarung et ein wahrer Ohrenöffner.
Auch POWERMAN 5000 offers itself to me in a very new musical richness, with this aggressive and aggressive sound, due to its industrial origin: ‘When Worlds Collide’ can make me one or another evil ordered by the free conductor and me allows me to pay for damages. ausflippen.

Well, when I play the game, I’m ready to start the game and say that the music is the best music. In the school where you can play Skateboarding, you can listen to Riffs and Melodies during the Kopf; I learn, it was an ohrwurm zu haben. This was the case, when music was such a rich bundle, as is the case with the new music for sich zu entdecken and it is so old verschiedene Musik da draußen der Welt gibt. I do, my music is not as well known as Klang von fetten Drums, Bässen and E-Gitarren. Naturally, in the coming years the musical journeys take place further, the Geschmack also tells us, and unique bands have arrived and my first Metal edition with METALLICA and JUDAS PRIEST is still available in time. Doch bis heute sich einige der Künstler avec ce Videospielsoundtrack in die List meiner Favoriten ein. Bands like RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, BAD RELIGION, LAGWAGON, DUB PISTOLS, PAPA ROACH, FU MANCHU and ANTHRAX can still be found today in my playlist and also in my CD-Regal. And I’m sure this soundtrack is here, with much greater clarity, as it dies in one of the brightest facets of a group of musicians, enthusiasts and fans striving to express themselves, with many details, other emotions, emotions and events. Durch Musik wieder zum Leben zu erwecken.

Also, you can see this video from the best Soundtracks all times, even if I die Nostalgiebrille is absent. Children and young people are always in a difficult and also precarious situation. Immer wieder begegne ich Gleichaltrigen, die gleichen Erfahrungen and Erinnerungen and this fantastic Videopiel mit seinem grandiosen Soundtrack haben and mir ähnliches berichten. This soundtrack has been inspired, inspired and performed by many musical men. This soundtrack is a day for a man so old that the world of war is not natural, but it is as golden as the video game is also in the soundtrack of absolute Kult!
I have this soundtrack on, but also all the songs in the Kopf and also the tollen Gefühle and Emotionen sind sofort wieder da.
Mittlerweile schafft is the LAGWAGONs solo ‘May 16th’, the world of travel in the schießen Augen, this melody verst mich zurück in skateparks and halfpipes, the last mich das Gefühl von Freiheit, Rebellion and Leichtigkeit fühlen and this “Coolness”, as I do today as Erwachsener nur noch selten bis gar nicht more verspure.

The Tracklist of soundtracks on the Web:

1. PAPA ROACH – “Blood Brothers”
2. ANTHRAX/PUBLIC ENEMY – “Bring the Noise”
3. RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE – “Guerrilla Radio”
4. NAUGHTY BY NATURE – “Pin the tail on the donkey”
6. POWERMAN 5000 – “When worlds collide”
7. MILLENCOLIN – “No cigar”
8. The feat THE HIGH AND MIGHTY. MOS DEF – “B-Boy Document ’99”
9. DUB GUNS – ‘Cyclone’
10. LAGWAGON – “May 16”
11. STYLES FROM BEYOND – ‘Subculture’
12. CONSUMED – “Heavy Metal Winner”
13. FU MANCHU – “Evil Eye”
14. ALLEY LIFE feat. BLACK PLANET – “Let’s get out of the old”
15. SINGIN’ UTTERS – “Five Lessons Learned”

A besonder Dank has a Tony Hawk, the creator of TONY HAWK’S PRO SKATER 2 and the painter on the soundtrack.

Kevin Kleine