
New Clip-On-Ohrhörer von Anker ›

New Clip-On-Ohrhörer von Anker ›

Soundcore, the audio brand specializing in headphones and in-ear headphones from Anker, offers its range of products in open-ear headphones. When the AeroFit model was developed in March and the C30i kurz darauf, this was followed by the Soundcore C40i. The new model is available thanks to Clip-on-Design also, without the typical effect of use in Ohr auskommt, therefore jedoch und bequemen und stabilisen Sitz gewährleisten soll.

The new model set on a flexible clip-on design and very suitable for all sports and sporting activities is supported, when jogging or in the fitness studio, is not the source of own music, it probes the acoustic berieselung at our training partner and the basic equipment. möchten.

Flexible design and safe shutdown

The new open-ear headphones cost around 99.99 euros. Damit fall die C40i deutlich teurer als ihre Vorgänger aus, die momentan zu ainem Verkaufspreis von 49,99 euros purchased.

The support case has two titanium supports and a very durable TPU material, which allows you to pass the right shape. Laut Anker halten die Gelenke bis zu 10,000 Biegungen stand, without your form zu verlieren. Two sizes of protective devices are supported by individual toe size support. Mit einem Gewicht von 5.8 Gramm pro Stück sollen die Earbuds kaum spürbar breast and also bewegung sicher halten.

Klang and Bedienung

Anker stattet die C40i mit dynamischen 12 mm × 17 mm Treibern aus, die für klaren Sound sorgen sollen. Die Akkulaufzeit liegt bei bis zu sieben Stunden ohne Ladecase, mit Ladecase sollen 21 Stunden möglich sein. For commands such as built-in Drucktasten, the functions are controlled by touch controls. Bluetooth multipoint is available with many devices.

The Soundcore C40i is a rich nut player, a lightweight and stable music player for Alltag and Sport such as. If you don’t know what to do with it, it doesn’t have to be any Alltagserfahrungen mit den offenen Ohrhörern.

Product specifications

Anker soundcore C30i, open earphones, clip-on headphones, lightweight design, stabilizer shutdown, listening speakers,…
49.99 euros
69.99 euros

Product specifications

Anker soundcore C40i, open earphones, clip-on earphones, flexible gelenk design, tasting, federal lights…
99.99 euros