
“I want to be really petty.”

“I want to be really petty.”

A tenant found himself frustrated and looking for answers after a dispute over trees caused a neighbor to overstep his boundaries.

The tenant took to the subreddit r/neighborsfromhell to explain his situation, stating that his neighbor had previously complained about a healthy tree dropping leaves in his yard and suggested the landlord cut it down. Now the neighbor has taken matters into his own hands by damaging a newly planted tree that is not on his property.

“Flash forward 3 years, I have a new tree growing near the fence line and I just noticed that they cut the branches that would even go through the fence,” the OP explained. “I have no financial interest in this matter since I’m the tenant, but I want to be really petty. Do I have any reason to believe they are cutting down my new trees?”

Should HOAs be able to force homeowners to change yards?

Absolutely not

Yes, that’s part of the deal

Only in extreme circumstances

We should ban HOAs

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While the OP’s “petty” idea of ​​cutting down branches from their neighbors’ trees that cross their property has received some support, two wrongs don’t make a right. Regardless, commenters agreed that the neighbor does not have the right to damage the tree just because leaves fall in their yard.

“There is no law anywhere (I believe) that says a tree owner is responsible for leaves that don’t fall on their property,” one commenter said. “It just depends on which direction the wind is blowing.”

Unfortunately, conflicts over trees like this are far too common in many parts of the United States and around the world. In some cases, the destruction of these natural beauties carries legal consequences.

For example, a landlord filed a complaint against a neighbor who destroyed a tree, causing his tenant to lose shade and privacy because the tree was not on the side of the property line. from the neighbor. The neighbor had previously complained about a bird feeder in the tree that attracted squirrels, but he learned the hard way that that’s not a good excuse to overstep and remove the tree itself.

Trees are aesthetically pleasing and play a crucial role in our ecosystems by providing shade, improving air quality and supporting biodiversity. They are incredible allies in keeping our planet healthy and fresh, as they absorb gases from the atmosphere that contribute to global warming and release oxygen, which helps combat air pollution.

If you find yourself in a similar situation where trees are being destroyed without permission, it is important to document such incidents and seek legal advice when property lines and personal rights are exceeded.

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