
Expanded portfolio for Stromderivate für Erneuerbare – “Mon-Sun Peak Power Futures” by Neu Gibt (

Expanded portfolio for Stromderivate für Erneuerbare – “Mon-Sun Peak Power Futures” by Neu Gibt (

December 20, 2024

(PM) The European Energy Exchange (EEX) will take place next February with contracts from Strom, where the integration of renewable energies supports. This is a “Mon-Sun Peak Power Futures” product – a unique market for the Spanish market – a kurzfrist futures market for the Greek market. A new contract took place on February 24, 2025 by Handel.

Entwickelt enger Abstimmung mit den Handelsteilnehmern, addressieren die neuen “Mon-Sun Peak Futures” die durch Photovoltaik-Erzeugung beeinflussten Stromspotpreise während der Tagesstunden, unabhängig vom Wochentag. This contract is last available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. MEZ, Monday through Sunday, and the one-day work support service in trade with Solarstrom production is carried out. The EEX is made up of the entire Bandbreite an Fälligkeiten, von Tages-bis Jahreskontrakten einführen group. This contract is fully available for the Spanish market, with the option, and also in our European market auszuweiten.

The new days and future global futures with the basic load profile have come into play, a volatile kurzfristige position is abzusichern. The EEX robot was set up for the gray market, in 2024, in a very beautiful monatlic era which took place before the arrival of the market, until November (+ 425%).

The integration saves energy in advance and absorption of the PPAs in Schaffen, which means that the EEX is sure of time for French and national future projects during a same calendar, zusätzlich zu den den bestehenden Angeboten for the German, Spanish and Italian markets. Langfristige (“PPA Hedging”) Geschäfte in den Spanish, Italian and German strommarkten verzeichneten an erhebliches Wachstum and überschritten 2024 in Handelsvolumen von 10. TWh.

Text: European Energy Exchange AG (EEX)

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