
Winter highlights at Play Suisse

Winter highlights at Play Suisse

Bern (ots) –

The three Swiss ski resorts: a mysterious place in the Zurich “Tatort” and Swiss luxury hotels: winter highlights auf Play Suisse loaded with full streaming. Passend dazu zeigt die SRG-Streaming-Plattform zudem zudem three classic films in the collection “Holiday Blockbuster Collection”.

The winter highlights within Play Suisse are three productions during this month and until December for a multi-month calendar in a program of reiches abwechslungs. Another one is Doku-Reihe über three Schweizer Skirennfahrer:innen, the jüngste Zürcher “Tatort” and a drama series on the entstehung of alpine Luxustourismus in der Schweiz zum Fernsehabend ein.

The popular Doku series “Der Ski-Zirkus” (2024) is broadcast on Play Suisse in German, French and Italian and is finally available: behind the scenes of the Ski-Weltcups Kulissen. The three Swiss skiers: Delia Durrer, Camille Rast and Loïc Meillard participated in a long season. You connect with the audience in their activities and activities, as well as in their emotions and feelings. On December 22, the series will be broadcast on SRF 2.

“Tatort – Fährmann” (2024), the last Zurich “Tatort”, is on December 22. December ends with a period of time with the TV show on SRF 1 and Play Suisse broadcast. Inspector Isabelle Grandjean (Anna Pieri Zuercher) coordinated the texts and found interesting articles with a piece of antiquity in the world. Daraufhin lässt sich auf ein Katz-und-Mausspiel mit dem self-sternannten Meister über Leben et Tod ein.

The series “Winter Palace” (2024) will take place on December 26 on Play Suisse and SRF 1 to watch. RTS production in Switzerland with Netflix is ​​produced by clients of Swiss luxury hotels and originates from Valais. Die acht Episoden führen die Zuschauer:innen zurück in 19. Jahrhundert, als ein Schweizer Hotelier et an Anglais Aristokrat den Wintertourismus erfanden. The region also benefits from the guarantee of the “Winter Palace” and the article “ kurbelt Walliser Wirtschaft an” (aufgezeigt.

Filmabend with “Blockbuster” on Play Suisse

Zusätzlich zu den trois Winterhighlights includes Play Suisse in the collection “Holiday Blockbuster Collection” and. You are umfasst insgesamt three films, from classics to international production awards:

– “99 Moons” (2022) by Jan Gassmann
– “Und morgen seid ihr tot” (2021) by Michael Steiner
– “Monte Verità” (2021) by Stefan Jäger
– “Glück auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10” (2021) by Alexandre Jollien and Bernard Campan
– “Olga” (2021) by Elie Grappe
– “Tides” (2021) by Tim Fehlbaum
– “Platzspitzbaby” (2020) by Pierre Monnard
– “Amur senza fin” (2018) by Christoph Schaub
– “Flitzer” (2017) by Peter Luisi
– “Youth – La Giovinezza” (2015) by Paolo Sorrentino
– “House” (2007) by Ursula Meier
– “Der Untergang” (2004) by Oliver Hirschbiegel
– “The Schweizermacher” (1978) by Rolf Lyssy

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Médienstelle SRG SSR
Siraya Schäfer
medienstelle.srg(at) / Tel. 058 136 21 21

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