
The best board game for an unforgettable Christmas evening

The best board game for an unforgettable Christmas evening

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Keine Silvester-Party ohne Spiele! This board game is a highlight of the game, and so all people are happy.

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Die Zeit bis zum Abendessen überbrückt man am 31. Decembre meistens noch ganz elegant. Was it in den Stunden bis Mitternacht? Die können sich mitunter ganz schön ziehen – self, wenn the besten Freunde et die Familie zur Silvesterparty geladen sind.
With these “Zeittotschlagen” sie nicht alleine. Here we have the best idea for luxury games and the same idea for training program for your travels.

Mit guter Laune ins neue Jahr. © PantherMedia / halfpoint

Das Wichtigste in
these Nachricht

  1. Hitster – The Musical Party Game”,”position”:”1″,”storyElementPosition”:”11″,”storyElementCount”:”40″}}”>Hitter – Das Musik-Partyspiel – Do you know if the Geschichte der Musik is the best aus?
  2. Silvester-Bingo”,”position”:”2″,”storyElementPosition”:”11″,”storyElementCount”:”40″}}”>Sylvester-Bingo – Have you become a first bingo player?
  3. Cheerio Partyspiel”,”position”:”3″,”storyElementPosition”:”11″,”storyElementCount”:”40″}}”>Cheerio Partyspiel – Hybrid card game with varied game modes
  4. Gummibärchen-Oracle“,”position”:”4″,”storyElementPosition”:”11″,”storyElementCount”:”40″}}”>This GummibärchenOracle – Lassen Sie sich von Gummibärchen die Zukunft voaussagen
  5. LOL: The trinket game“,”position”:”5″,”storyElementPosition”:”11″,”storyElementCount”:”40″}}”>LOL: The trinket game – Wer lacht, muss trinken
  6. Details”,”position”:”6″,”storyElementPosition”:”11″,”storyElementCount”:”40″}}”>Zinngießen – The alternative proposed for injuries
  7. Flaschendrehen 2.0″,”position”:”7″,”storyElementPosition”:”11″,”storyElementCount”:”40″}}”>Flashchendrehen 2.0 – The Classic

Hitter – The musical party game

Hitster musical party game © Jumbo

Hitster is a musical card game combined with space, nostalgia and celebration. These are songs over 100 years old in chronological sequences that will allow you to stream songs through the Hitster app on Spotify. This game is ideal for a player aged 16 and over 300 songs, straight to singing and animated singing. Gaming is optimal with Spotify Premium, but also with Spotify Free or with a manual game bar.

In Amazon Best Sellers


Silvester-Bingo © Amazon-Produktbild

Bingo-Sylvestre is ideal for organizing a game or game for guests, one for the spa during the end-of-year holiday party. With a manual block, the 50 versions of Bingo-Bingo and the 7 classic board games like “Bullshit-Bingo” or “Gute-Vorsätze-Bingo” come together, so the guests are lost – they are not waiting. The game is ideal for small groups in large groups and is perfect for the Mitternacht era to take place in überbrücken. An excellent variation for children is the same for families. Alle Regeln stehen direkt auf den Blättern.

In Amazon Best Sellers

Cheerio Party game

Cheerio party game © Cheerio

Cheerio is not a simple game, but the ultimate party game. Discover role-playing with the innovative Cheerio app, which will allow you to play on a new topic. Geeignet is the game for people and young people from the 16th century.

In Amazon Best Sellers

This GummibärchenOracle

Das Gummibärchen-Orakel © Goldmann Verlag

Do you want to know which chewing gums you want to use? Alles, was Sie für diesen unterhaltsamen Party-Gag benötigen, ist eine Tüte Gummibärchen and viel Humor. There are 5 blinds and 5 pages of paper that were slightly darker than the previous ones.

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For Kindle download

LOL: The trinket game

LOL: Das Trinkspiel – Wer lacht, trinket! © Amazon

This Trink-Kartenspiel für Erwachsene ab 18 beansprucht die Lachmuskeln ordentlich. Now this is what “LOL” is really saying, but we are already there, but it’s probably the right glass. A feuchtfröhlicher space for all, die am nächsten Tag ausschlafen können.

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Zinngießen-Set © Amazon-Produktbild

In the old family hat das Bleigießen als Orakel für das new Jahr Tradition. Doch beim Verflüssigen von Blei über der Kerzenflamme können gesundheitsschädliche Giftstoffe entstehen. This 6er-Set works with a single bed and a trunk with over 500 spare parts.

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Flashchendrehen 2.0

Flaschendrehen: 60 lustiges Aufgaben und Mutproben © Riva Verlag

This war game is for Kindergeburtstagsparty der Renner. This new journey for passengers 12 years from now took place with 60 months of brilliant trials and tests, in the spirit of the times, as in flight. Lachmuskelkater included!

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