
At Ludwigsburg station: Zahlreiche Jugendliche in Rangelei verwickelt – Polizei sucht Zeugen

At Ludwigsburg station: Zahlreiche Jugendliche in Rangelei verwickelt – Polizei sucht Zeugen

Am Ludwigsburger Bahnhof is located on one of the largest streets in the world. The police say nun Zeugen.

The police chose a large usage service, which arrived at 4 p.m. at Ludwigsburg station and was withdrawn. As the police said, there was an alarming message in this era, which was delivered in a verbal street from July 10 to 15. Then you can also use Pfefferspray under the youngest words.

The group should approach Pflugfelder Straße, before heading to the Dortigen radio station for a Rangelei entstanden. An unknown man must have wandered into the street, causing the judges to move outside the station and Pflugfelder Straße in Flucht ergriffen is nearby.

As law enforcement officers work to carry out additional operations, they need more information, so it’s further away. Please contact the telephone number 07141/18-5353 or send an email to [email protected] upon arrival.