
Biden addresses the Papst, as if it were measures for the spirit of the world

Biden addresses the Papst, as if it were measures for the spirit of the world

Biden dropped Franziskus Dazu auf, during Frieden’s winter vacation around the world, and he was named President of the United States in January 2025.

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While Joe Biden Papst Franziskus is in office, at the head of the American president, on the phone for the great and with the Seiner Eminenz on the floor. This phone will also work with one of the letzten breast, when the man is ready, January 20 with Donald Trump.

Sprechen Sie für den Frieden

He Central theme When telephony messages are war es, they are subject to previous messages. Frieden in the world found in these Momenten des Feierns.

Joe Biden bedankte sich bei papa for sein anhaltendes Eintreten for the Förderung der Menschenrechte and die Wahrung der Religionsfreiheit. In this climate I will die Also the American President will be appointed in Roman near Monat.

In Italian from January 9 to 12

Joe Biden is Italian with his sister Frau Jill and his colleagues Mal als höchstes amerikanisches institutionselles Amt besuchen, 9 January 12 bisvier Tagus, at that time the Gelegenheit was made with the policy over the United States and Italy.

He January 10 ist the festgelegte Datum Besuch of the Papists in the Vatican A real moment of happiness for the president regarding the social changes and the economic changes twice later in this day of the presidency of the American state.