
Can I make a smaller batch of chili jam? | Ask

Can I make a smaller batch of chili jam? | Ask

Complete question

Can I make a quart of chili jam?

Photo by Lis Parsons
Chilli jam

Our response

Nigella’s Chilli Jam (from NIGELLA CHRISTMAS) is a spicy condiment that goes perfectly with cheese and cold meats. Chili jam is made with jam sugar (sugar with added pectin) so that it hardens, because red peppers and chili peppers themselves do not contain pectin.

It is possible to reduce the quantity and make only a quarter of the recipe, which should yield around 375g of jam, or a large jar. To do this, simply use 37.5g chillies and 37.5g red peppers – or you can round them up and use 40g chillies and 35g red peppers if your scale isn’t as precise. Use 25% of all other ingredients, i.e. 250 g of jam sugar and 150 ml of vinegar. Follow the recipe as directed, but keep in mind that with smaller quantities the boiling time will likely be shorter. As the boiling time also depends on the size of the pan, we suggest using the cold plate test to see if the jam has reached the setting point. Before you start, put 2-3 small heat-proof plates in the freezer. Boil the jam for 4-5 minutes then remove from the heat and, once the bubbles have subsided, carefully drop half a teaspoon of liquid onto a frozen plate. Let sit for a minute. Run your finger through the middle of the cooled puddle of chili jam. If the jam flows back when you put your finger in, it has not yet reached the setting point and you should return the pan to the heat, bring it to the boil again for 2 minutes then stop and test again. Repeat until the chili jam has reached the setting point. Alternatively, if you have a sugar or candy thermometer, you can boil the mixture until it reaches at least 105°C/221°F (jam setting point). Once the jam has reached its setting point, allow it to cool and jar it following the recipe instructions.