
New “Quick Edit” screen for easy photo processing

New “Quick Edit” screen for easy photo processing

Google has worked on a new practice for the photos application: a “Quick Edit” screen is only available, photos directly to the theme are optimized. The function will be activated during the first Nutzern test.

The new image visual is available, when the man has a single photo of your choice, and two two main functions: With “Enhanced”, the image is automatically optimized, when the crop buttons are automatically activated. Bei der Wahl mehrererer Fotos wird weiterhin das normal Tilen-Menü angezeigt.

The feature is available on a Pixel 6 Pro with version 7.10.0 of the Google Photos app. Bereits im August gab is the first indication of this entry, Google opened until the end of the arbeitet Benutzeroberfläche. Bad luck, but the nuts turn around.

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