
WoW: first images – These new mounts are available with patch 11.1

WoW: first images – These new mounts are available with patch 11.1

Author :

Daniel Link

What: Blizzard

12/20/2024 at 7:30 p.m. –

Blizzard offers a small overview of the mounts available in World of Warcraft patch 11.1 frequently.

We invite you to consult the latest information on the big patch 11.1 for World of Warcraft. We also had the opportunity to do this, like the new Tier-Sets that will roll out and the Kriegsmeute will end up having an interesting feature.

We have the new WoW 11.1 patch naturally with a new mount, quest searches and select drops for new raid mounts. There are few people who have access to flexible Dataminern and Blizzard bind themselves into a single WoWCast. zumindest a little preview.

WoW: Blizzard previews new mounts in version 11.1

There are two new Blizzard Star Mounts here to kick off the new version of the Tiefenforschers Luftschiffs. In the first season of The War Within, Tiefen-Enthusiasten had a schicken Leeren-Skin passed, in season 2 the Luftschiff passed with a allerlei Goblin-Bling ausgestattet.

Obendrauf wird the nächste Raid a inen Kampf gegen ainen riesigen, mechanischen Tyrannosaurus beinhalten and with etwas Glück awaits you directly towards Mount Schnappen.

Blizzard has had some drops, with the new Cutting-Edge Mount having definitely arrived inside. The entwickler is there to have different images, the most practical manual of which is that of the mechanical mount in the form of the Kopf from Gallywix.

The remaining mounts, some of which are available in Patch 11.1, are now available in WoW (jetzt kaufen ) Head raised. Ganze 26 Stück wurden bisher in den Dateien des neuen Patches gefunden, von denen einige natürlich schlichtweg Recolors sind. If you are tatsächlich on all Mounts sind, die uns im neuen Patch erwarten, ist bisher nicht bekannt. The “Crimson Shreddertank” is available for use with the Keystone Master mount for the second season of The War Within.

Matrix mounts since patch 11.1

When patch 11.1 is available, it is not yet possible to do this. Doch der Patch mittlerweile bereits auf dem PTR aufgespielt wurde et der auch inchcht allzu ferner Zukunft spielbar sein sollte, müssen wir wohl nicht more allzu longe darauf warten. We now have the ability to reliably release patch 11.0.7 for you.