
Guter Soundcore Space Q45 with noise cancellation for a Kracher price!

Guter Soundcore Space Q45 with noise cancellation for a Kracher price!

Were old and old music sounds, the setzt played on the headphones. So you will have no glimpse of your mittens, you will also have very rich dreams and you will listen to another music of your romantic music. If you have another price to pay for the object, you can find the Anker Soundcore Space Q45 for 89 euros on Amazon at Amazon. Laut dem Preis-Check von COMPUTER BILD spare you auf den durchschnittlichen Preis der letzten 3 Months round 6 Euro. Versandkosten found on Amazon is not one. Im Test von COMPUTER BILD schnitt der Anker Soundcore Space Q45 mit 2.2 gut ab (alle Preise und Angaben – Stand: December 20, 2024).

Amazon: Anker-Kopfhörer zum Spareis

The Anker Soundcore Space Q45 is an over-ear headset. I tested the result with a good click, good noise cancellation and a long battery life lasting 35.5 hours. Die Klangtreue came across allergies and was triggered aus and the Bässe zeigen sich etwas vorlaut. For more information on two microphones for Telefonate & Co., connect with two Bluetooth devices and support LDAC for wireless connections via Bluetooth. With the Soundcore app you will have more information about the Klang profile for Equalizer or the Wechsel zwischen adapter and the active Geräuschunterdrückung before proceeding.

  • Bluetooth headphones with sound noise and noise cancellation
  • With LDAC mode, connection to 2 Bluetooth devices and Soundcore app
  • Round 6 euros The price of the letzten is 90 days spared


Anker Soundcore Space Q45

price 149.99 EUR

89.00 EUR

Seit 90 Tagen ungeschlagen

This Angebot is the good one! Please note that the current product price is limited to three months. COMPUTER BILD is authorized to obtain a 90-year sales price for all products and best deals here – but you cannot guarantee your life. Le prix durchschnittspreis errechnet die Redaktion auf Basis von Daten der hauseigenen Produktdatenbank.

Editing of the Test Editorial

The Soundcore Space Q45 is the best flushing over-ear headphones. It provides a solid performance and excellent performance with a good knappen performance. Dies gelingt ihm durch seinen ansprechenden Klang, der allerdings einige Mängel aufweist, wie beispielsweise die dominanten Bässe. Also the Geräuschunterdrückung ist gelungen and bietet Musikliebhabern Schutz vor störenden Geräuschen. Besonders positiv hervorzuheben ist die lange Akkulaufzeit. The price is 150 Euro, which is about 150 Euros. Model like the Philips Fidelio L3 or the Razer Opus with the elegant touch under pressure.

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