
The superb Liebes films in Zeiten

The superb Liebes films in Zeiten

I am a Schatten von Klassikern like “Casablanca” who one day comes across another Paare.

Illustration Dario Veréb / NZZaS

Is “Casablanca” the best literary film in the Zeiten? Or “Titanic”? “When Harry Met Sally”, “Notting Hill” or “In the Mood for Love”? This is not an interesting page. When it comes to love won, the film is also available in the cinema. If this is not the case, it should be noted that there are some faults. uses JavaScript for which functions. Your browser or Adblocker disappears instantly.

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In “God’s own country” von Francis Lee realized that a leader of the trip was taking care of the life of Johnny (Josh O’Connor) of the farmers, the inside of his heart and his schroffheit verbarrikadiert aus Angst davor, verletzt zu werden. Et aus Angst vor seinen Gefühlen für einen Mann.

Lou aus dem fantasievollen Liebes-Rache-Thriller “Love lies in bleeding” von Rose Glass hat keine Angst vor ihren Gefühlen für Jackie – and also sonst vor nichts. Auch Elio aus “Call me by your name” Luca Guadagnino stayed in the hitze a Tuscan summer summit in his own apartment for Oliver, so that he could take care of the romantic relationships. Guadagnino erzählt, seit er Filme macht, et comme kein twice von Menschen, die sich nacheinander verzehren. In “I am love” Fängt die vernachlässigte Ehefrau eines Industriellen eine Affäre mit einem young Koch an. I’m on the transition to adulthood “Bones and all” perhaps kannibalism for Metapher für Liebe. Klingt platt and gruselig? This is not the case.

And like “Lost in translation” von Sofia Coppola mit Humor von der Tiefe einer platonischen Liebe erzählt, so handelt “Decision to leave” by Park Chan Wook has a love interest between a detective and a number of people who prey on a platonisch bleiben muss. Wunderschön and herzzerreissend.

“God’s Own Country”, “Love Lies Bleeding” and “Lost in Translation”: on
“Io sono l’amore”:
“Decision to leave”:
“Call Me By Your Name”: Netflix
“Bones and All”: Apple TV+

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