
Goldenes Zeitalter! : TOP CHOICE 2025! An interesting candidate for the new months!

Liebe Leserinnen and Leser,

Fury Gold Mines (WKN:A2QFEP) hat im year 2024 beeutende Fortschritte erzielt, also wenn der Aktienkurs nicht ganz mit den Unternehmensentwicklungen Schritt gehalten hat. Doch das ist leider der general schlechten Stimmung im Explorationssektor bei den Minenunternehmen geschuldet. Underperformance is bad business for you!

The exploration study has been completed and the mineral resource search for the Eau Claire project has reached 36%. In the category of $307,000 unzen gold, and in the category abgeleiteten $223,000 gold, a share of 44.6% was recorded.

All the information on the activity in this video!

Current mineral resources

Quelle: Fury Gold Mines

The new construction and contracting mineral resource combination contains 1.16 million gold with an amount of 5.64g gold per tonne in the gem and miscellaneous categories. The average price is 723,000 gold units with 4.13 g of gold per tonne in the abgeleiteten categories. This information indicates Fury Gold Mines’ strictest stance in the market.

Financial situation

Quelle: Fury Gold Mines

Finanziell supported Fury Gold Mines through. One day, the companies paid 5 million Canadian dollars into the fund. In the end, Fury won €51 million worth of Dolly Varden Silver, giving him a prize of 1.10 CAD for a win of $56 million CAD. Although one market cap company worth CA$90 million died, the remaining companies agreed to pay between CA$30 million and CA$35 million. This is a very attractive robot for investors.

Strategic positioning

Another strategic advantage is the work of Newmonts Anteil am Éléonore South Joint Venture. This mine that was sold by Newmont for $795 million was purchased, it was launched here as part of Fury’s action.

Zukunftsausblick and Bohrplane for 2025

The plans for 2025 year of the anomalies of Éléonore South have begun, a long-term prediction of the size and signature of Éléonore-Mine. The Fury factory has a 2,300 meter range program with its own ranges, which is configured for the JT Mony Trend. Alle sieben Bohrlöcher haben abnormally Goldmineralisierungen aufgezeigt.

Zielen pipeline

Fury Gold Mines has a pipeline of projects for most mines between now and 2025, which will create disturbance zones and anomalies in the style of the Éléonore mine. In Eau Claire, there is yet another gold element geochemical anomaly in the Kanar and Hashimoto Formation area. Zudem wurden bei Committee Bay three bohrfertige Zielzonen identifiziert.


Fury Gold Mines (WKN:A2QFEP) This is the Top-Pick for 2025, because the current corporate support is offensive. The highest price will be an amount of 1 CAD for the action taken, with an Australian amount of 2.25 CAD within the 12 to 18 months. All information is available on Commodity TV in German and English.

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