
Fly, live and live virtually –

Fly, live and live virtually –

A modern action classic, a romantic comedy and a sci-fi storyline – could audiences visit me?

“Top Gun: Maverick” (ProSieben, 8:15 p.m.)
Navy aviator Pete Mitchell, aka Maverick, must join his own Top Gun flight school, a team for a risky first mission. Now we have the ability to absorb Rooster, Hangman, Bob and Phoenix in the unconventional training courses. Während der erfahrene Maverick die jungen Piloten auf ihren Einsatz vorbereitet, wird er jedoch schnell von seiner eigenen Vergangenheit eingeholt. The Quotenmeter-Kritik published “Top Gun: Maverick” in May 2022 as “one of the best action films of the years”. Yesterday we got your complete Kino-Kritik.

The Movie Database (TMDB): 8
Rotten Tomatoes Audience Rating: 10
Metascore: 8
IMDb User Rating: 8
Overall assessment: 34 out of 40 points

“Notting Hill” (ZDFneo, 8:15 p.m.)
Anna Scott is a Hollywood superstar. William Thacker takes care of a schüchterner Buchhändler. While there’s a lot going on, this is the Anfang of a great love story. If you’re at seinen Laden kommt, it’s William überglücklich. Even though the Superstar is still there, it’s a glass of Orange and it’s a T-Shirt that doesn’t seem to be blamiert. In the Stadthaus kommen die beiden sichließlich näher. Now Anna is wearing a hat, and William is missing a piece of cake. William can’t get to Anna, and if she takes care of him and has a night in the background, she’s alone at the Ritz Hotel, taking William Blumen and Eilt Dorthin. Doch was also a creator in Augen’s life who was on a mission to create a Press Junket: journalists from several journalists turned to Anna for their new film. Was also vollkommene Blamage that ended up happening, entpuppt sich like Glücksfall, denn Anna willigt ein, William abend au Geburtstag seiner Schwester Honey (Emma Chambers) zu begleiten. With this wonderful Abend, Williams Street Glückssträhne was a first time, then Anna in the hotel zurückbegleitet, who passed over his angry girlfriend, Jeff (Alec Baldwin), from William’s family with the service assistance. Only one Monate takes care of it, and William has a life without Anna. It’s quite clear, the billboards and weather details are aimed at people who are interested in the Diva. Und plötzlich steht sie wieder vor seiner Tür. Sie sucht ein Versteck vor der Presse. And this time, the Idyll is not there. And like the Tür klingelt, öffnet er und gerät in a Blitzlichtgewitter. Anna got in touch with her and went to Williams Haus. If you do this, you will not be able to do so for a while.

The Movie Database (TMDB): 7
Rotten Tomatoes Popcorn Counter: 8
Metascore: 7
IMDb User Rating: 7
Overall assessment: 29 out of 40 points

“Ready Player One” (Warner TV movie, 8:15 p.m.)
Wade Watts has landed in the online simulation game OASIS. As explorer James Halliday woke up, he realized that it was an “Easter egg” similar to a game hat. We are going to find it, we have Hallidays Vermögen and the controller on OASIS. Wade wasn’t born into research, but he must be bald for no reason – in the game and in reality. Quotenmeter-Kino-Kritik zog vor sechs Jahren dieses Fazit: “Was auf der Haben-Seite der Gleichung bleibt, sind eine sehr gute Kinderdarstellerin, die eine angenehme Chemie mit ihrem Leinwandonkel hat, sowie ein geglückter Balanceakt zwischen ‚Das einfache Leben’ and ‘Akademisches Streben’ The film has the same mathematical force, it is in the trough of traitors, and the negative things take place within the framework of regulations, usage patterns and merksatz vielen monologues.“

The Movie Database (TMDB): 8
Rotten Tomatoes Audience Rating: 8
Metascore: 6
IMDb User Rating: 7
Overall assessment: 29 out of 40 points

A copy of the Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen: “Notting Hill” and “Ready Player One” are jewels with 29 ordered points, as well as “Top Gun: Maverick” with 34 points and the Spitze.