
Selenskyj an Botschafter: 2025 sollte ein Jahr des gerechten Friedens sein | Nachrichtenroboter

Selenskyj an Botschafter: 2025 sollte ein Jahr des gerechten Friedens sein | Nachrichtenroboter

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President Wolodymyr Selenskyj has chosen the head of Ukrainian diplomacy for 2025.

President Wolodymyr Selenskyj decided to do it in 2025, a year of deaths for Ukraine. The announcement of the Erklärung was made by the Staatsoberhaupt am Tag des Diplomaten am Sonntag on December 22 in Telegram ab.

“The last month will take place in an overview of this aufgabe entscheidend sein – we will all be until 2025 for a year fried brothers for Ukraine for machen. We all agree, it is in January – on the eve of the United States registry office – that many checks of international laws will occur, ”the president said in his own response and the personal diplomat.

Selenskyj erinnerte daran, dass im nächsten Jahr in a wichtigen Ländern – Deutschland, Polen eteren – Wahlen statttfinden werden. There are also internal anti-fraud and immunization services in regions such as Nahen Osten, the Gulf region, North Africa, the Sahel zone and Latin America, as well as the situation.

“We stand with Ukraine’s interests in the affairs of China, India and other Asian states, a true association with Japan and the affairs of Korea. These are men of wealth from the region of the world, in Ukraine which has real wealth, great freedom. And that is your Aufgabe,” the president declared to the diplomats.

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