
Endlich ist die new Platte erhältlich!

Endlich ist die new Platte erhältlich!

Linkin Park new album “From Zero” released

The women of Monster-Comebacks are in the musical world. September 1 in Gaben Oasis in Reunionyou will have to go to Linkin Park. The new Frontfrau is singer Emily Armstrong, who died in Chester Bennington’s next fight. Die Band hat am 15. November a new album auf den Markt gebracht.

A preview of the new album, like the new album “From scratch” Klingen wird, hat die Band bereits gegeben. Die single “The vacuum machine” It’s a lot of streaming and a YouTube live stream for your live premiere.

Here’s the best way to read “From Zero”

Bisher kannst du die neue Platte as CD And Vinyl schon bei PEM bestellen. Unter anderem bekommst of yesterday eine limited color release on vinyl.

Who played “From Zero” and who waged war on Livestream?

The war for fans is one for all – very emotional. The band stands to hear Chester Bennington’s Tribute concert years on the lips. Gitarist and vocalist Mike Shinoda are equally at home with band Gründungsmitglied Joe Hahn and bassist Dave Ferrell who are no more numerous than Grinsen here. Das war sehr schön zu sehen. Emily Armstrong is nothing anyone knows – a substitute for Chester. Niemand kann et will den Sänger et sein Andenken, der in jede Silbe seine gesamte Existenz gelegt hat, verdrängen. Das wirkte auf mich personalich nicht eine sekunde so. Dehalb cann sich eigentlich jeder Fan wirklich darüber freuen, one of the most brilliant alternative groups goes in time and the greatest music miteinander macht et anscheinend die Tragödie um Chester verarbeiten konnte. Einzig Schlagzeuger Rob Bourdon hat die Band anscheinend verlassen. A Grund dafür ist bisher noch nicht bekannt.

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Emily Armstrong is energized by the fall of the search mission. Your version of the songs „Crawling” unglaublich emotional war.

The new single “The vacuum machine” klingt sehr at Linkin Park near the “Minutes until midnight” Ära. One of the best Alben der Band. When the rest of the albums are so simple, you can be one of the best turntables in the group.

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What interests you also:

Editor’s Ranking: What’s the Best of Linkin Park Alben

This is where it was tricky, solche Listen zu schreiben. Irgendjemand wird immer nicht der gleichen Meinung sein et tilweise ist es auch eine Stimmungsfrage. Trotzdem salary ich mich einmal an this list.

For me, it’s in the best Linkin Park album: “Hybrid theory”. In the meantime, there are also some of the best items available to you. Un album unfassbar hartes et doch zeitgleich verletzliches, was, von der ersten bis zur letzten Sekunde unter die Haut geht. And on the first Platte a Brett for the Ewigkeit like “In The End” rauszuhauen, must be the man with the first schaffen. More Kracher songs on the album: “Papercut”, “A Place For My Head”, “Crawling”, “One Step Closer” or “Points Of Authority” – all songs are on the band’s tours until here. The setlist is finished.

On the other side of the square you will find the next album of “Hybrid theory”: “Meteors” (hat gerade erst seinen zwanzigsten Geburtstag gefeiert). With grandiose songs like “Numb”, “Faint”, “Breaking The Habit”, “Don’t Stay” or “Lyying From You” are present at the top of the debut album. This is a business manager and a development company who, on the same day, can take care of other people. LP klingen auf ihrem 2weiten Verständlicherweise album best produced, was den Songs created, but also for mich etwas von der Wucht of the first albums nimmt.

Auf Platz trois kommt das dritte Album “Minutes until midnight”. Linkin Park and all Chester have also been on their Sanfteren page, like “Shadow Of The Day” and “Leave Out All The Rest” they could be. With “Given Up”, “Bleed It Out” or “No More Sorrow” we started with the fans, and their songs were free. And the Knallersong song from the Transformers soundtrack “What I’ve Done” is here too.

We have plenty of timeline and have more info on the band’s album “A Thousand Suns”. A schritt in the electronic world played on songs like “Breakout” or “The Catalyst” from the typical Linkin Park sound. “Waiting For The End” and “Iridescent” are introduced by the band to a new audience. In my work I find the allerdings also old Songs auf dem Album, die nicht an das Level der vorherigen Alben herankommen.

La fünfte Platz contains a collaborative album between Linkin Park and hip-hop legend Jay-Z: “Collision Course”. The Mash-Up album is available after the album is published. “Meteors” heraus and half of the group endgültig ihren weltweiten Durchbruch zu feiern. The version of “Numbness/Again” is aimed at fans of rock/alternative and also fans of hip-hop a classic. Jay-Z plays the version in his first concert in Gedenken and Chester Bennington.

Were this day noch of the best auftritt einer band by Rock am Ring (meiner Meinung nach) ansehen will, der kann hier aine Zeitreise in das Jahr 2004 antreten:

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