
Study of power generation Photovoltaic – farbliche Anpassung führt zu noch besserer sozialen Akzeptanz (

Study of power generation Photovoltaic – farbliche Anpassung führt zu noch besserer sozialen Akzeptanz (

18. November 2024

(ISE) The Institute of Psychology of the University of Freiburg and the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE have a study on social photovoltaic (PV) integrated construction installations. Therefore, the solar energy and solar energy are generally high. PV a modern Gebäuden will be positive and a historical Gebäuden. A farbliche analysis of photovoltaic installations and photovoltaic installations allows this installation to be obtained further, until it is an invisible integration of photovoltaics, in order to obtain more installations for types of installations under -estimated.

The studies, as part of the study group of the University of Fribourg, took place twice during an online publication by hand with photos and a study in a laboratory with example examples of Verschiedenfarbigen PV modules with Morphocolor technology.

Gebäudetyp et optischem Eindruck
»He is a design specialist, who takes care of the social test for the photovoltaic installation of an optimal design type and impression. These two factors are very different, as variable people in the personal field, political activities or environment, said Angela Zhou, director of the University of Freiburg and the Higher Authority of Studies.

“The studies provide a first insight into the social study of PV studies and studies,” written by Andreas Wessels, doctor at Fraunhofer ISE and co-author of the study. »It is the best way of action for PV installation thanks to good visual integration with colorful modules that can be used intelligently and integrated for historical content.«

Even distribution is also better Architecture Centere
In addition to the studies we have, the PV-Module is identical to that of its predecessors, as well as its homogeny in the Erscheinungsbild des Gebäudes einfügen, anstatt PV as architektonischen Akzent zu nutzen. A large band group and versatile PV module is intended for versatile context text. Photovoltaics in combination with new manufacturers are not included in the studies, so this installation is not necessary here.

TTechnical potential of etwa 1000 Gigawatt a Gebauden
Bereits heute befinden sich 75 Prozent der installeren PV an Gebäuden. The photovoltaic market has constant potential and enormous potential. We are therefore seeking to achieve energy development in Germany up to 2045 and 400 Gigawatt Peak and to install a photovoltaic installation. With a technical potential of 1000 Gigawatt Peak, you can use photovoltaics and create a system for decarbonizing sectors and building infrastructure safely – and without any additional investment for the beans.

Zur Stuide on the ScienceDirect website: Zhou A, Thomaschke R, Wessels A, Glunz S, Speck T, Kiesel A, (Not) In My City: An Explorative Study on Social Acceptance of Photovoltaic Installations on Buildings, Technology in Society > >

Text: Fraunhofer-Institut für solare Energiesysteme ISE

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