
Wetter-App “Sonuby” mit new 14-Tage-Vorschau ›

Wetter-App “Sonuby” mit new 14-Tage-Vorschau ›

Sports and outdoor enthusiasts use the Wetter Sonuby app for the first time in version 1.7.0. Now you can update the Tatsache, as the Entwickler damit die von Nutzern meistgewünschte Funktion nachliefert: A new and free configuration 14-Tage-Vorhersage.

The available Vorschauansicht lässt sich wie die Echtzeitvorhersage in der App completely configured et kommt mit zusätzlichen Vorhersagevariablen ausgestattet. Das new Layout soll laut Entwickler einen schnelleren Überblick über die wichtigsten Vorhersagen bieten.

Winter sports are very common, with less Hilfe Informationen zu Schneehöhe, Neuschnee et Schneeschmelze abgerufen werden können. This information is available to everyone and some abstain from tracks and pre-use verification.

New version in video available

The app was designed to help you accomplish bigger tasks and tasks. A preview of version 1.7 released recently in Germany responds to the introduction of an embedded video. We also have interesting updates with interesting products, if the last few minutes have not happened – not just a click on the functions you are interested in, but also a preview, but the working group of the group d experts.

My site for this version is suppliers and a professional wetter application that allows you to manage your work better and go to the auf dem Bildschirm platform for more information on things to do. The most appropriate perspective in this version is that of the basic contract of the arbeitete.

Voller Leistungsumfang zum Jahrespreis

Sonuby lets you charge and use it for free. For intensive nutrition, I advise you to have a price of around 17.99 euros over the past year “Enthusiasten-Abo” is not here. This price is not available for the advertising banners of your choice, but it is also available for the complete package and access and payment cards.

Die in Sonuby angezeigten Informationen zugrundeliegenden Wetterdaten stammen von Meteoblue.

Uploaded to the App Store

‎Pro-Vorhersagen: Sonuby Wetter
Responsible: Julian Meier

Price: Free+