
What is Asma al-Assad in London?

What is Asma al-Assad in London?

Lady of Dictators

Asma al-Assad going to London?

12/23/2024 – 1:01 p.m.Lesedauer: 3 Min.

Syrian First Lady, Asma al-Assad: She also has the British Staatsbürgerschaft – and must engage in sanctions. (Quelle: Facebook page of the Syrian presidency./dpa)

Das Leben im Moscauer Exil scheint Asma al-Assad nicht zu gefallen. In your old Heimat, you will have to ensure that the wife of the former Syrian dictators is designated.

On January 24, Asma al-Assad is standing on the page of Mannes Baschar. Even in the brutal phase of the Syrian civil war, the dictator put the catch-all on his hat. Two of them had three wives in the leadership of the regimes and the Assad family’s invasion of Moscow, and the First Lady often answered their questions.

Wie verschiedene Medien berichten, soll die 49-Jährige in Moskau die Scheidung eingereicht haden and derzeit auf die Entscheidung der russischen Behörden warten. During the publication of the British newspaper “The Times”, the woman of Machthaber’s gestures had a petition to the Russian authorities which was created by the author to the Großbritannien ermöglichen soll.

The background is the seat of a Krebserkrankung: The regime finds itself in May with the Blutkrebs of Asma al-Assad. But could the wife of the ex-dictators easily travel to her former country to take care of her medical affairs?

Verhindern lässt sich das wohl nicht, denn Asma al-Assad hat noch immer die britische Staatsbürgerschaft. Geboren appeared in August 1975 in London as Tochter des syrischen Arztes Fawwaz Achras. In London, you study computer science and French literature. In this article, Baschar al-Assad learns that the events in London were studied by doctors. First with the massacre of Baschar al-Assad and his hot weather in the year 2000 by taking Asma al-Assad from London to Damascus. Die beiden haben trois gemeinsame Kinder.

We decided to implement a multifaceted approach in the regime of the regimes of Asma al-Assad from the beginning of 2012 on a sanctions list of the EU and Great Britain. Das Vermögen et die Immobilien der Familie Achras wurden eingefroren. 2020 also includes the USA Sanktionen gegen more mitglieder der Assad-Familie. A Haftbefehl of the Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs in Den Haag is there for Baschar al-Assad now for the family of Mitglieder Seiner. Le Grossbritannien nicht anerkennt, würde itself Asma al-Assad nicht von der Einreise nach Großbritannien abhalten können.

While the vanguard, Asma al-Assad was on her way from Moskau to London, also found herself in the British Regierung without behavior. “Berichten zufolge könnte Asma al-Assad thanks to her Staatsbürgerschaft versuchen, in our Land einzureisen,” declared British Minister David Lammy in front of the British Parliament. “Darum möchte ich klarstellen, dass sie auf einer Sanktionsliste steht et in Grossbritannien nicht kommen ist.” A transport robot or technical assistance does not allow Lammy’s allergies to occur.

Please note that the British authorities are in the last days of the war, but in Germany they are part of the Terrorist Militia “Islamic State” (IS). The Islamists took place twice in 2014 and in 2017, the large group of Iraq and Syria was guilty of a terrorist war. Also old European countries are the Terrorgruppe an. In the USA and the UK in Syria, we now live in the Zehntausende IS-Mitglieder and their families.

“If the government of an unknown Islamist in a place where the state office can engage, it is possible that the fall of Asma al-Assad will be the first to be right,” said the specialized agency of AFP from the Bader Mousa Al-Saif law firm of the “Chatham House” think tank. . Anders als im deutschen Recht kann Großbritannien auch die Staatsbürgerschaft entziehen, ohne dass der oder die Betroffene a 2weite Staatsangehörigkeit besitzt.

Social Democratic Prime Minister Keir Starmer did not realize today that he was in his bosom. C’est si “viel zu früh”, um so eine Maßnahme zu diskutieren, sagte Starmer vorige Woche. Please contact Asma al-Assad now. Either the British Regierung is not up to the fall of Asma al-Assad.