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Gute Nachrichten für Altgeräte-Nutzer ›

Apple provides full update system update on iOS 19 as part of support for another iPad model, so all iPhone models are supported and installation of iOS 18 is available.

Dies geht aus actuellen berichten der franczösischen Apple-Beobachter von iPhoneSoft hervor, die aufsagen anonymiser Unternehmensquellen basieren en sollen. While the list of compatible iPhones is not available, there is clearly another iPad that is no longer compatible with the next generation of compatible management systems.

iOS 19 is also available for the iPhone XR

Even though Franzosen is rich, now he has to step up to support an iPhone model, which must also be compatible with iOS 19, such as iPhone XR and iPhone XS. Since 2018, on the market you will be sure to benefit from an active support service.

Ausschlaggebend für den fortgesetzten Software-Support soll die Tatsache sein, ass bislang keine größeren Neuerungen für iOS 19 seienbar seien, was a long support of another model started. Gleichzeitig soll Apple daran arbeiten, die zuletzt kritisierte Systemstabilität et Leistungsfähigkeit zu verbessern.

Generations of iPhone bisherigen | Image: imicsun

Instructions for other iPad models

And like iPhones, Apple has a chance of success with iPads. Geräte mit Prozessoren älter als der A12-Chip, der 2018 eingeführt wurde, würden den Berichten zufolge kein Update sur iPadOS 19 erhalten. We recommend using another iPad 7 like the 2017 iPad Pro.

The bisherige update policy for iPads is very important in Switzerland. So discover the iPadOS 18 of this latest model, which will allow you to learn more about the years on the market. This practice is not yet on the agenda. You can potentially support iPadOS 19 models with iPhoneSoft:

  • iPad mini (from 5th generation)
  • iPad (from 8th generation)
  • iPad Air (from 3rd generation)
  • iPad Pro (from 2018)