
Open Banking – hype? Mitnichten

Open Banking – hype? Mitnichten

Panagiotis Kriaris, Commercial Director of Business Development at UnzerUnzer

Open Banking is even more of a strong technology company – it is an enabler for systemic services in the financial sector. Doch wird Open Banking auch die Zahlungslandschaft tiefgreifend verändern? Panagiotis Kriaris, Commercial Director of Business Development at Unzer ist davon überzeugt.
von Panagiotis Kriaris, Unzer

Im Kern bases Open Banking on Verwendung offener Anwendungsprogrammierschnittstellen (API). These APIs are available within data banks, Fintechs and other companies. In this context, this is the speech of “APIsed Finance”:

Thanks to the offnung of APIs by Banks, Fintechs and other efficient players, popular innovations and new service companies, you can profit from Verbraucher. ​

But APIs do not yet define Open Banking. The main objective is the integration of data, cloud-based services and a collaborative country offering, which is not in our banks and which is very close to our entity.

Open Banking is also intended to remove vertical silos and multiple infrastructures. Services are available on marketplaces, platforms and eco-systems. This cloud-based infrastructure provides higher dynamics and reactions in the financial sector and better investment among financial sector players.

Open banking: more for a model

Open banking It’s more than nur ein Schlagwort. This is the Grundstein for a new financial infrastructure. There are many innovative Fintech innovations that offer free applications based on the best banking system for construction, which is based on the legend of Open Banking, as well as financial dates and details.

This infrastructure has the potential, funding dates for democratization, new management models for businesses, wet services for the future and the best financial solutions for all Schaffen countries. So this is Open Banking in the world, in the financial sector, in a region in its own right, which is going to start for the first time. ​

Financial information available on these two safe banks and general business conditions are available, allowing you to benefit from new payment methods for personalized services. The date will be sent to the Schwerpunkt by isolated information in the decentralized system, which is part of the Bank (and not the Bank) at the Mittelpunkt Steht.

Can you create an Open Banking credit card?

Doch was heißt das nonn für die Zahlungslandschaft? Can Open Banking be used with traditional methods such as credit cards or a coexistence economy? See our generation. ​

Credit card transactions occur over time in a traditional Vier-Partien model, with network services like Visa and Mastercard managed by the company. These networks use the channel, the banks with the keywords, which allow you to make more intermediary transactions.

The traditional credit card system is based on a Vier-Parteien model, with credit agencies such as Visa and Mastercard, companies owned by banks with purchasing obligations. For a typical credit card transaction identified by the wealth network company’s retirement savings network company, authorized by the credit company and authorized by the credit company transaction and by the merchant bank as well as by the bank of managers further. For their role in the operations of these transactions, interbank banking bank card services and other costs, in each region, are very varied, the companies are located in the United States near the best countries in the world.

Open Banking has this model, independent of managers, which directly carries out transactions with the bank account of customers serving services and thus card services for the whole. The operation is a business process, starting from the “Pay by bank” process, the transaction via your authenticated banking application and the authorized Zahlung können.

This optimized process is cost-effective for managers and provides maximum card repair services.

Author Panagiotis Kriaris, Unzer

Panagiotis Kriaris ist ein erfahrener Zahlungsexperte und arbeitet als Commercial Director Business Development bei Unzer (Website). Unzer betet Zahlungs- und Handelslösungen für über 85,000 Händler et Organizationen in ganz Europa. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt Mitarbeiter in acht Niederlassungen en Germany, Österreich, Dänemark et Luxembourg.

This is also a good argument for initiatives related to Open Banking. Dennoch is unwahrscheinlich, dass Open Banking in naher Zukunft Kreditkarten vollständig ersetzen wird. The following methods are not suitable for you. Während Open Banking Vorteile in Bezug auf Kosten, Sicherheit et Benutzererfahrung bietet, bieten Kreditkarten nach wie vor einzigartige Vorteile wie Zugang zu Krediten, Bonusprogrammen and a breite Akzeptanz on a globalen Markt.

When Open Banking is an attractive alternative to credit cards, it is possible to define regulatory services such as analyzes and reimbursements (sowie Anwendungsfälle, die sich darauf beziehen) defined and entwickelt werden. Access to the European SEPA Payment Account (SPAA) is integrated into this wealth and standards, with the rules, technical standards and guidelines of the description of the application of notifications at a reasonable level. ​

In current news, there is a global approach to Open Banking in the best contexts, e.g. B. in e-commerce, a large number of customers and customers have already been able to do so.

Can you use Open Banking to get the latest payment services?

​One of the most advanced solutions for Open Banking is a variable solution (and VRPs are removed). These dates are in detail, the instructions are correct, and they are subject to the last name. The mechanism also applies to the latest transactions, based on the principles of Open Banking.

​Konkret erfordern VRPs wie Lastschriften ein erstes Mandat de Kunden, aber der entscheidende Unterschied besteht darin, because the Kunde nicht jede Zahlung einzeln authentifizieren muss, wie es bei den Open-Banking-Transaktionen der Fall ist. Then the mandate is established, you can specify the detailed parameters of the VRPs for the trading process, precisely the transaction management, the transaction management and the transaction management. Verbraucher haben auch die Möglichkeit, these Zahlungen jederzeit zu tornieren, has been endowed with more control and flexibility.

​VRPs are also available in more detail or if there is an alternative to the Last Schriftverfahren order Kartenzahlungen dar. You have great security, transactions are authenticated by secure APIs, without vertrauliche information being used. If it was in Echtzeit and if unwideruflich, it was das Risiko für Händler verringert. Please note that the transaction is minimally affected by the handling of the documents or the documents.

Where are the VRPs das Lastschriftverfahren ersetzen?

The potential is due to the fall. Schließlich handelt es sich bei vielen unserer täglichen Zahlungen um wiederkehrende Zahlungen, z. B. for streaming services, fitness studios and reception services. The great chance for VRP is the best, all thanks to flexible and flexible reading, time and time are separated and time more and more orders available.

Allerdings refer to other information: There are currently no variables to use in the European Union. Daher ist davon auszugehen, dass ihre Einführung un langsamen Wachstumskurve folgen wird, die davon abhängt, dass sowohl Verbraucher als auch Händler über die Vorteile et Wettbewerbsfähigen Preisstrategien aufgeklärt werden.

Can you use Giropay checkout or checkout services? ​

Nach dem Aus von Giropay und Sofortüberweisung als eigenständiger Zahlmethode (ist nun Bestandteil der Klarna-App) suchen Kunden and Händler hierzulande nach Alternativen. Sowohl Giropay as well as food safety solutions are available directly from your bank.

With Open Banking you will find new services for security and direct online access. Even though Open Banking is authorized to use standard APIs on Bank accounts, you may be informed of the terms and conditions of the APIs. These two functionalities include the operating instructions and the operating instructions, which are controlled by the operating conditions and controls.

For everything related to the combination with the regulation of instant payments, use Open Banking in these payment companies. This month of April 2024, the Verordnung verpflichtet Banken dazu, innerhalb der kommenden 18 Monate alle notwendigen Voraussetzungen für Echtzeitzahlungen im Euroraum zu Schaffen. All companies have adopted legal standards and open banking for a new standard within the EU and have been established for this purpose.

Is Open Banking also an alternative for wealth payment or Giropay?
Klare’s response: Ja.

Panagiotis Kriaris, Unzer/aj