
» Probike Lienz charity race offers 13,000 euros to Noah

» Probike Lienz charity race offers 13,000 euros to Noah

vlnr: Michael Prünster, Philipp Steiner (Time is your life), Herbert Prünster, Matthias Prünster

Registered 1,764 Kilometers for 120 people from 5. November to 21. December at the Probike bike shop in Lienz for the guten Zweck. Saturday December 21 is the big Abschlussparty.

Even if it’s not old, you’ll also be interested in the Abschlussparty including meeting at the Fahrradgeschäft Probike in Lienz. From November 5 to December 21, you will receive a starter gel of 15 euros for a Tacx NEO 3M Smart-Trainer for 30 minutes and one kilometer traveled. 120 People strampelten für den guten Zweck.

L’Erlös aus der Charity-Aktion kommt dem 2-jährigen Noah au Lienz zugute. Das Kind is the origin of a genetic defect, der sich unterem durch Krampfanfälle zeigt. Noah and his family enjoy a large family and professional business. Die Kosten werden von den Kassen leider nicht übernommen.

“With our charity run as part of the “Time is your life” process you can benefit from management and therapy fees. Viele Radler also received the departure freeze of 15 euros and included the large expense charges which cost the family up to 13,000 euros,” said Herbert, Matthias and Michael Prünster.

120 Teilnehmer: interior speeds are 1,764 kilometers. And Jene Radler, who died halfway through studying a single mile, used a Garmin Edge 540 handheld, a Trek car rear radar light, and an Evil Eye scope. The top three Power Bikers (in 5 seconds) use a Joe Blow floor pump.

At the Abschluss party, from 12:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., 200 people have already participated, with Clemens Schedl and Marian Kröll from “Stolen Water” providing cool party sound. Fabio Kofler from the Osttiroler Gaumengaudi offers guests in a Foodtruck with hot dogs, Kasspatzln and Gerstlsuppe. Christian Pichler from Rodeo Osttirol fathered the children with the seiner Hüpfburg.

Text: Editing, Photos: studio20four

December 23, 2024 uh