
Elden Ring: Nightreign becomes Dark Souls boss

Elden Ring: Nightreign becomes Dark Souls boss

In Nightreign we have an old Bekannte and a new Bosse.

Elden Ring: Nightreign offers another game, as well as this one from FromSoftware. Im Koop Spin-off offers us a nämlich auf immer kleiner werdenden Map bis zur Mitte vor et nehmen es dabei mit Bossen auf.

But it is not in our universe that the strangest universe is located, but there is still another dimension: the newcomers of Elden Ring and new complete Obermotzen, which are new also Wiedersehen mit alten Bekannten aus der Dark Souls-Reihe. We’re going to listen to all the bosses for each of them, who are in the trailer and who see the things or the places where they show up, who have an author who has been solemn.

Yesterday there is a trailer in the trailer, but it’s not always easy to handle and sometimes it’s always the same when you identify it:


Elden Ring: Nightreign with first cinematic trailer released

CEO of Dark Souls

Tausendfußdämon (Centipede Demon) in Dark Souls 1

Da commen Erinnerungen and the first Dark Souls auf, allerdings ohne die Lava.

The new Tausendfüßler-Boss is a little nod to everyone, from the first Dark Souls – or the Remaster version – already released. We can go to the Lost Izalith path to create and drop a ring, but we’re not in lava so hacking is easier. The trailer is broadcast by the brennenden supper in a temple.

Freja, die Liebste des Herzogs (The Duke’s Dear Freja) in Dark Souls 2

There is also one thing for Dark Souls 2 fans: The Liebste des Herzogs is a Riesenspinne, and there is only one thing, which is not even bigger than creating Beine Hat, which has rang also two Köpfe. If you see 2 davon besitzt, ist allerdings zu unserem Vorteil, denn das sind die einzig richtig verletzlichen Punkte an dem fiesen Krabbeltier.

Namenloser König (Nameless King) in Dark Souls 3

I am Nebel wartet ein ganz besonders fieser Kerl.

The named king, beziehungsweise sein Reittier, the king of the Sturms (with the sons of Dark Souls 3 in the first phase aufnehmen), gehört zu den schwierigsten Souls-Bossen. I was habe ich (Samara) like Souls-Neuling bei diesem Kampf damals geflucht.

In Dark Souls 3 this is optional, if you are in Nightreign in the center of the map you must enter the sauren Apfel – or you can do it as well as a new Bewegungsfreiheit bitterlich rächen, hihi.

New Bosse in Nightreign

The Großteil der Bosse, which is in Nightreign, should join us, but a new complete Boss is also available (via A couple expect him to be in the trailer.


The dog cannot be furrowed here. This is not the case, but the contents are slightly damaged.

Rich life has been shown to be of some Cerberus-artigen, schlecht gelaunten dreiköpfigen Köter gesehen. It is possible that we, as in the trailer, have no problem with “am Stück”, which is also in three separate bestsellers. Zudem schwingt er ein Schwert an einer Kette et spuckt Feuer.


This is a solution that will never be more effective.

The Krötenmann sits in the trailer and stretches freely across the Platz, but we can do it naturally without waiting. Die Strahlen um herum sehen ganz nach Heiligenschaden aus et was die beiden augenähnlichen Teile links et rechts seines Kopf sind, wollen wir in Gedanken and frühere Souls-Frösche lieber gar nicht wissen.


Zudem hat wohl ein einarmiger Ritter einen Auftritt, der zur Hälfte Mensch, zur Hälfte Pferd ist.


Do you have mother-of-pearl manchmal? This boss is known.

Was it a Souls-Spiel without a Drachen? This back and forth with design is striking in Richtung Horror, with a single aufklaffenden and a “kaputt aussehenden” Maul. You will pass by our complete play figure on your own, like the trailer demonstrated.

Bosse and Gegner on Elden Ring

Kollegin Elena, the Nightreign bereits in Japan played hard, berichtete, auf viele Elden Ring-Bosse gestoßen zu sein. If you do this, you will have to leave the Halbgötter on the right side. In a trailer, Feindesmobs and Elitegegner zu sehen, möglicherweise als Minibosse eingeordnet will be available. Wiki Fandom has no other names.

These Feinde and Bosse say:

  • Godrick-Soldaten
  • Speaker Ritter
  • Ritter von Zamor
  • Omenkrieger
  • Halbmeschenkönigin
  • Margit

The Nightreign Map is based on maps of Limgravewas in Manchen Trailer-Szenen deutlich herauskommt. In other times there will also be the start of the Elden Ring-Startgebiet for the spin-off. The layout is also procedurally generated and not designed manually. For environmental storytelling, it will always be possible to read in the spirit of the times.

Do you still have a boss or friend in the trailer? If we were to be gegnungen frut ihr euch schon?

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