
Party with JBL-Sound: with this code you will receive a discount of 100 euros on PartyBox Club 120, this time you will receive a gift

Party with JBL-Sound: with this code you will receive a discount of 100 euros on PartyBox Club 120, this time you will receive a gift


With the JBL PartyBox Club $120 for your home parties and also for camping at festivals with music verses. With this code you have a discount of 100 euros.

With the JBL PartyBox Club 120 you can enjoy a light show.

Damit es euch daheim oder im Sommer auf dem Festival nicht an der passenden Musikanlage organizationlt, hat think for euch a in spezielles Angebot. The JBL PartyBox Club 120 organized during EUREM FEST is not intended for music, it can also be used for older children.

When the music is absent, there is a light show, and the beat is synchronized. The Partybox IPX4 spritzwasserfeste works on a single battery for up to 12 hours. With their microphones and guitars, they will make your work as perfect as possible, which is why they are spontaneous during a jam session or karaoke class.

  • JBL-Sound with KI support

  • Austauschbarer Akku läuft bis zu 12 Stunden

  • klappbarer Griff

JBL is offered alone for the PartyBox Stage 120 at a price of 399.90 euros. Im Netz wird die Box aber bereits schon deutlich günstiger gehandelt. You can pay for old handles 339 euros. I think it costs 399 euros. Gebt ihr an der Kasse den Gutscheincode JBL one, I will pay you up to 299 euros for it. So you can think of the JBL-Box as a JBL microphone for karaoke for free. This price costs 40 euros.

Transaction advice:

You’ll find other items available to you in our soundbar, speaker and DIY stores.

Dank Auracast allows you to have more information about PartyBox. With the JBL PartyBox app you don’t have any lighting effects and you also have an EQ button.

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