
Darts-WM: Old favorites for Christmas break

Darts-WM: Old favorites for Christmas break

Zunächst schien das Favoritensterben am Montag noch gestoppt zu sein. Das galt aber nur für die Nachmittagssession. Krzysztof Ratajski (POL/31) beat Alexis Toylo (PHI) with a score of 3:1. Auch Andrew Gilding (ENG/21) against Martin Lukeman (ENG) with 3:1. Josh Rock (NIR/18) beats Rhys Griffin (WAL) with a score of 3:0. We have a friend with Jonny Clayton for Nordiren Mickey Mansell. The Walisische number is found in the Setzian list with a ratio of 3:2.

The Abendsession im Alexandra Palace started with a small country of favorites. The number 28 of the Netherlands, Gian van Veen, must be the German Ricardo Pietreczko with a ratio of 1:3. Pietreczko is the master of the German agency at Turnier, while Landsmann Florian Hempel is going through an invasion from Daryl Gurney. The number 26 of the North is generated by the Hempel nach 2nd maligem Satzrückstand (0:1 and 1:2) up to 3:2.

Evans Wirft Chisnall Raus

In the second part of the group, the following numbers were created by English Chisnall with Landsmann “Rapid” Ricky Evans in a heavy schlagabtausch, der seinen Gipfel in Subden-Death-Leg im fünften Satz fand. When it comes to a 2:2 ratio, it will be possible to combine the two different legs, or make them fit, two or three legs.

IMAGO/Ian Stephen

Ricky Evans was chosen by Dave Chisnall’s favorites by

Chisnall glasses are placed in the drive system, and a 139 with Triple-19, Triple-14 and Doppel-16 (131 Punkte) is used. This is a dartboard with highs (Doppel-20) at your fingertips. Chisnall konnte trotz des Fehlers auf 5:5 ausgleichen, mais danach gewann Evans das entscheidende letzte Leg et stieg damit in die dritte Runde auf.

Zum Abschluss der deuxweiten Runde gab is also for Rob Cross as Erfolgserlebnis. The English number is under the direction of Landsmann Scott Williams in a series on another classless game with 1:3. Damit verabschiedeten sich bei der heurigen WM so viele gesetzte Spieler von den Titelkämpfen wie ne zuvor. The bisherigen record is running 2019, and all 13 Turnier players are scheduled to play in both of their races.

Weltranglistenzweiter Smith gescheitert

The Bereits in der Night von Donnerstag auf Freitag must be the English Michael Smith von der WM verabschieden. Number two in the world list is Kevin Doets from the Netherlands with 2:3. Smith, the world master of 2023, was nominated for the best quote of his double, as he saw Gegner with over 180 and more power above 140. Auch der Schnitt der beiden war mit 96.93 ( Smith) and 96.90 (Doets) ähnlich. Im Entscheidungssatz setzte sich der Niederländer mit 6:4 Legs knapp durch.

IMAGO/Ian Stephen

For Michael Smith, WM’s life is not in Wunsch

The second master in the world (2015 and 2016) Gray Anderson reached 54th place. The match had a score of 0:3 against Sweden’s Jeffrey de Graaf. Die Niederlage des Schotten war genauso inerwartet wie deutlich. Denn der Weltranglisten-14. Anderson launched into Topform and went to war as Mitfavorit in the Alexandra Palace Gereist. In his match, Graaf invited Anderson to a double black quote from the 15 percent, which brought Gegner to three of his vier Darts in Doppel traffic.

IMAGO/Shane Healey

Gary Anderson first boarded a 15-year seiner WM-Geschichte bereits in Runde 2 aus

Even the Englishman James Wade, number 16 in the Setzlist, left the Netherlands Jermaine Wattimena without a seat and met his two Legacies for his entry. Ausschlaggebend für die deutliche Abfuhr von Wade war seine desaströse Doppelquote von 12.5 Prozent. Within Gegner Wattimena, traffic is divided between two Dart auf die Doppel.

Wenn Doublequoten den Ausschlag geben

For Ross Smith it is in the auftakt match of WM and it takes place among everyone else in Wunsch. The English number 19 must be that of Paolo Nebrida in the Philippines with a fall of 0:3. Zwar hatte Smith mit 23.08 Prozent un etwas bessere Doppelquote als sein Landsmann Wade, de la Nebrida, der keine Weltranglistenplatzierung hat et sich über un asian Qualifikationsturnier den Weg nach London erspielt hatte, verblüffte neben sicherem Scoring mit einer Doppelquote von 82 Prozent.

An inner disastrous Doppelquote of our elf Prozent scheiterte auch Deutschlands Nummer eins, Martin Schindler, bei seinem überraschend klaren 0:3 gegen den England Callan Rydz. Schindler, as number 22, brought the fans to the first time with his perfect darts, he then worked on the Doppel-6 of Single-13, and Rydz played “The Wall” until he be sure of Leg weg. This point in time and Schindler have nothing to do with the zurück part.

WM has more Routine “Barney”

And former world master Raymond van Barneveld had a chance to go for it. The 57-year-old routine, like PDC-32. I still have an overview of the list of German gambling games, which take place in 1: 3 from player Nick Kenny. “Barney” was released in 2007 in a legendary final match against world champion Phil Taylor for the first time and a single Mal PDC-Weltmeister. Please note that the WM-Titel is the Verband BDO. By the end of the Niederlander and the Top 32 of the Weltranglist fell.

IMAGO/Godfrey Pitt

Also for Raymond van Barneveld war against WM from the first match at the end

For the Netherlands, Danny Noppert and Dirk van Duijvenbode, the WM will soon fall. However, number 13 in the Setzlist list, under Englishman Ryan Joyce, fought with 1:3 as number 25 in the book named Letten Madars Razma. With the single Ergebnis under the leadership of the Belgian Mike De Decker (24 years old) of the Englishman Luke Woodhouse, of the Deutsche Gabriel Clemens (27 years old) of Waliser Robert Owen and of Ritchie Edhouse (29 years old) in the English duel led by Ian White.

PDC-WM 2025 in London

Double table:
Luke Humphries (ENG/1) Thibault Tricole (FRA) 3:0
Nick Kenny (WAL) Raymond van Barneveld (NED/32) 3:1
Jermaine Wattimena (NED) James Wade (ENG/16) 3:0
Peter Wright (SCO/17) Wesley Plaisier (NED) 3:1
Stephen Bunting (ENG/8) Kai Gotthardt (GER) 3:1
Madars Razma (LAT) Dirk van Duijvenbode (NED/25) 3:1
Damon Heta (AUS/9) Connor Scutt (ENG) 3:1
Luke Woodhouse (ENG) Mike De Decker (BEL/24) 3:1
Luke Littler (ENG/4) Ryan Meikle (ENG) 3:1
Ian White (ENG) Ritchie Edhouse (ENG/29) 3:1
Ryan Joyce (ENG) Danny Noppert (NED/13) 3:1
Ryan Searle (ENG/20) Matt Campbell (CAN) 3:0
Scott Williams (ENG) Rob Cross (ENG/5) 3:1
Ricardo Pietreczko (GER) Gian van Veen (NED/28) 3:1
Nathan Aspinall (ENG/12) Leonard Gates (United States) 3:1
Andrew Gilding (ENG/21) Martin Lukeman (ENG) 3:1
Kevin Doets (NED) Michael Smith (ENG/2) 3:2
Krzysztof Ratajski (POL/31) Alexis Toylo (PHI) 3:1
Chris Dobey (ENG/15) Alexander Merkx (NED) 3:1
Josh Rock (NIR/18) Rhys Griffin (WAL) 3:0
Jonny Clayton (WAL/7) Mickey Mansell (NIR) 3:2
Daryl Gurney (NIR/26) Florian Hempel (Germany) 3:2
Gerwyn Prize (WAL/10) Keane Barry (IRL) 3:0
Joe Cullen (ENG/23) Wessel Nijman (NED) 3:0
Michael van Gerwen (NED/3) James Hurrell (ENG) 3:0
Brendan Dolan (NIR/30) Lok Yin Lee (HGK) 3:0
Jeffrey de Graaf (Sweden) Gary Anderson (SCO/14) 3:0
Paolo Nebrida (PHI) Ross Smith (ENG/19) 3:0
Ricky Evans (ENG) Dave Chisnall (ENG/6) 3:2
Robert Owen (WAL) Gabriel Clemens (GERMANY/27) 3:1
Dimitri Van den Bergh (BEL/11) Dylan Slevin (IRL) 3:0
Callan Rydz (ENG) Martin Schindler (GERMANY/22) 3:0

Fashion: “The best of five” – ​​Sätze