
Why not invest in PokéGold? We tried!

Why not invest in PokéGold? We tried!

Na, trainer, Sammler and Sammlerinnen? The Pokémon Sammelkartenspiel Pocket took place at the end of October 2024 with lights and free games around the world. Even though the Handy-Game is often replayed, it will take place this December 2024 when the new Set “Mysteriöse Insel” is released with 68 new cards and sold. You can find the 18 Illustrations Cards found!

In Zusammenarbeit mit The Pokémon Company Finally, you can find out about 50.00 Euros and find the new set. And what is it? We placed the pouch in the pocket and got some gold…

TCG-Pocket: PokéGold

PokéGold is the in-game version of Pokémon-TCG-Pocket. I’m in the game store to get your real gel for PokéGold, which will allow you to discover the things to do, with the guarantee of a new Booster available or complete for additional springs.

We suggest you prepare them, prepare them and use them to eat PokéGold. With a price of 50.00 euros you also need to have two products first – a single product would be a natural product. A PokéGold pack for 39.99 euros offers 200 PokéGold plus 50 additional PokéGold. We now offer you the PokéGold pack for 9.99 euros and contains 50 PokéGold plus 7 additional Pokégold. Die Taschen voller Gold – et jetzt?

Boosters galore?

Quelle: TPC / buffered

Auffreißen vier Booster auf einmal.

There is a unique shot that was created and lost in a sinnbildlich way, one of the first packs of the upcoming “Mysteriöse Insel” set. Zehn Booster auf einmal – therefore macht das Aufreißen der Päckchen besonders viel Spaß! This space will be offered to you with 60 PokéGold on a book, and it will also cost a little extra for 10.00 euros.

In the next year, there is a new version of the Zehner for TCG Pocket that we have, a 3 PokéGold is available, a Zehner-Pack is available. PokéGold, when man has completed missions towards high missions or levels, has already arrived at man who does not need to be purchased, like a man factory, in the mobile game to invest.

We offer you our 307 PokéGold shopping spree on the account. There are also 300 PokéGolds, and there are also 50 Booster-Packs in Germany and there are also 300 PokéGolds available.

Mysterious island: 68/68 Karten, aber …

This man is a collectible card game, also golden in the pocket version: This is a neat game. Look at dazu, all the cards in your collection! With our Investition we can see all the cards we know… Moment! All? Nicht ganz, denn die Zahl 68 weist hier lediglich auf die Anzahl der Karten des Standardsets hin. The illustration cards are very selten, and the illustrations are great for new selection work and extend beyond the set of standards – you know to be sure of the TCG. Card 69/68 is a Kokowei card, card 70/68 is Serpiroyal – inserted into your 18 illustration cards. The gold card of Mew-ex schließt das Set mit 78/68 ab.

Leider is our habit of a complete assortment of “Mysteriöse Insel” which is not complete. The card prices vary depending on the pack, also Normales Pack or Seltenes Pack and Stelle der Karte, also Stelle eins bis Stelle fünf. Artwork cards are found here in the immediate vicinity, with art cards under a 1 percent testing rate.

Luck of the draw: Losglück

These chances can be achieved on the first click and the last time, up to the 6th time. The illustration card of Aquana in the virtual hands has been made, which means that the Eventwicklung genug – allerdings and das concrete wir an ceser Stelle gerne, est das nunmal so, wenn man gern Spiele spielt, bei denen Wahrscheinlichkeiten eine ausschlaggebende Rolle plays. Nebenbei: A unique “Flair” card to use it, you must have a card and an aufbringen funk store, for an example of a Blasen or Wirbel zu erhalten effect.

Wir reißen Booster doch genau aus dem Grund auf: In der Hoffnung, dass das Glück onserer Seite ist et a glitzernde, superschöne Karte aus dem Pack rausschaut. So Sammler freut man sich umso plus, wenn man schon einen Blick auf den Regenbogenrand einer seltenen Karte erhascht!

Fazit: Was that lernen wir daraus?

Quelle: TPC / buffered

Wunderschöne Aerodactyl Fullart.

Our starting price of 50.00 euros is that of the standard set of the mysterious island and we offer you one or another illustration card. These are some of the 18 illustration cards. The following cards are included in our 50 Boosterpacks:

  • 2 x Celebi-ex
  • 1 x Garados-ex
  • 1 x Mew-ex
  • 3 x Tauboss-ex
  • 1 x Kokowei Illustration Card
  • 1 x Molunk Illustration Card
  • 6 x Aquana Illustration Card
  • 1 x Dedenne Illustration Card
  • 4 x Marshadow Illustration Card
  • 1 x Aerodactyl Illustration Card

We did it, we rode with Aquana and also with Marshadow in the Augen. Naturally, you can create point packs to create a map. These points are included in the Packs, it’s so simple; Directly leave it to the end if the item is not there. Nun Gilt es aber, like the card cards if üblich, abzuwägen: Möchte man die Punkte vieelleicht first for one of the cards selteneren aufbewahren et nicht einfach rausbollern? We have the Punkt-Preise prize for the “Kaufen” der Karten sind gesalzen. The page, the man from the Pokémon TCG Pocket who is really awesome, is this: An even more frozen man for PokéGold or is the last man inside?

You may also have Bad Luck Protection or the other Tausch-Funktion doppelter Karten gegen Pack-Punkte lohnen. The second hit from Aquana-Illustrator is therefore frustrated and therefore not so easy to understand, the game to understand and another euro to invest. We offer you superb paper maps. The digital cards contain events that occur, after the Year, it is necessary that the policy of public order is present and that the Pack-Punkten engenders organized management within. The events are cool, they are in the Paper Booster-TCG, a creation of the TCG Pocket. The digital JCC is very simple. So we have our assortment with Pokémon TCG Pocket and we also offer you a button print.