
Sony: “Panic Room” and “The Social Network” by David Fincher on 06.03. on Ultra HD Blu-ray in Steelbooks – UPDATE 2

Sony: “Panic Room” and “The Social Network” by David Fincher on 06.03. on Ultra HD Blu-ray in Steelbooks – UPDATE 2

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Sony: “Panic Room” and “The Social Network” by David Fincher on 06.03. on Ultra HD Blu-ray in Steelbooks – UPDATE 2

13 Bewertung(en) mit ø 4.23 Pointe


If you do not know what to do, you will be informed.Panic room” (USA 2002) by David Fincher appeared in the American premiere in 4K. He only has a group not found within state agencies, which is also present here with Jodie Foster, Forest Whitaker, Jared Leto and Kristen Stewart from Sony Pictures Entertainment for the first evil auf. Ultra HD Blu-ray. New information will be available for the game film on March 6, 2025 at the start of Plaion Pictures with Dolby Vision sowie deutschem und englischem Ton in Dolby Atmos to limited 4K UHD Steelbook with Blu-ray and Bonus-Disc on the market. Extras are the best Featurettes throughout the seasons. In the morning 06.03. Wird mit “The social network” (Großbritannien, USA 2010) noch and other Film by David Fincher auf UHD Blu-ray and limited Steelbook Edition with two Blu-ray discs and two discs. The biopic-drama of Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake, Rashida Jones and Rooney Mara features Angaben’s voice in German and English Dolby-Atmos-Sound. The Sonderausstattung umfasst Audiocommentare und Featurettes.

Inhalt (“Panic room”): Their Ehemann’s frisch receives Meg Altman (J. Foster) with her elf daughter Sarah (K. Stewart) in another Manhattan city hall, with a shared protective space ausgestattet – the current “panic room”. Yesterday you can find someone who has one of the following items and the house with Hilfe von Monitoren überwachen. After all, this is the first time we have seen the results, as well as those of Burnham (F. Whitaker), Raoul (D. Yoakam) and Junior (J. Leto) on the posters. The problem: La belle, auf die es die trois abgesehen haben, befindet sich im Panikraum…
Inhalt (“The social network”): Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg (J. Eisenberg) came up with a new idea. He worked on a social network called Facebook. Schon innerhalb kürzester Zeit wird seine Idee der Absolute Renner und ein Meilenstein der Kommunikation. The years to come are the young billions of the world. Dies bringt jedoch nur Bewunderer mit sich, zumal sich Zuckerberg auf leichfertige Weise früherer Wegbegleiter entledigt et sie so um Millionen prellt … (sw)

UPDATE:This is the final version of the released German Steelbook product. Außerdem sind ab sofort Vorbestellungen im Plaion Pictures Shop, sur et möglich.

UPDATE 2 (from 24.12.):4K-Steelbooks are easily available on vorbestellt werden.

March 6, 2025 in the online store:

On February 18, 2025 in the United States was released:

Hierzulande im Kaufhandel erschienen:



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