
Grausame Tat in New York: Mann setzt in the U-Bahn schlafende Frau in Brand – Opfer Stirbt

Grausame Tat in New York: Mann setzt in the U-Bahn schlafende Frau in Brand – Opfer Stirbt

A Mann hat in a New York U-Bahn, an Angezündet woman (Symbolbild). Photo: IMAGO/Eberhard Thonfeld/IMAGO/Eberhard Thonfeld

A schlafende woman arrived on the U-Bahn and moved. Guatemala expects the United States to engage in an engineering project within the United States. Trumps neuer Grenzschutzbeauftragter react invite.

Every day, a woman on the New York U-Bahn is a person Mordes knows. The 33-Jährige aus Guatemala soll die schlafende Frau in Brand gesetzt and therefore their Tod verursacht haben, berichteten US-Medien. It’s about a day at the American engineer’s house. The police can take care of it and the woman is not there.

“L’abscheulichkeit ces schrecklichen Verbrechens ist unbegreiflich,” said Brooklyn’s Bezirksstaatsanwalt Eric Gonzalez on Platform

Frau überlebt Attacke nicht

Tom Homan, the “Grenz-Zar” of President Donald Trump, created masses of irregular savings from the beautiful lights of Australian countries, coming from the fall in a “bigger show”, like an illegal traveler in an American hamburger. All” . The policies of President Joe Biden’s administration and the direction of the transition agenda should be defined by the Fox News dispatcher.

Den Berichten zufolge war die Frau am Sonntag in a Zug der Linie F im Stadtteil Brooklyn unterwegs, as well as the State ereignete. The man has his own idea and only one word for what he should wear. When the flames are blown, you will have to leave the bank behind and leave them. Die Frau wurde noch an Ort and Stelle für tot erklärt.

Please note that this is not the case. Allerdings nutzen in Winter viele Obdachlose das U-Bahn-System, um der Kälte zu entfliehen.