
The best Hallmark-Weihnachts films –

The best Hallmark-Weihnachts films –

Hallmark-Weihnachtsfilme is a romantic, family film that takes place under the sign of life and life in a festive atmosphere.

Typical elements of Hallmark Weihnachts films are small villages, decorations and festive figures, which make the Weihnacht time romantic for a person or traveler. The film is so hard for a positive atmosphere and a good mood during Advent life in a whole and festive world.

“The Nine Lives of Christmas”, (2014), 7.2/10
“The Nine Lives of Christmas” is a romantic Weihnachts film, from the story of Zachary Stone, an attractive, troop hunter and feuerwehrmann, a young interest and a festen Beziehung hat erzählt. One day there is a long journey in the Kater, which is relaxing and has a long way to go. Gleichzeitig lernt er Marilee White kennen, un sympathische etwas schüchterne Tiermedizin-Studentin, die Katzen liebt et ebenfalls nach einer eigenen Wohnung sucht. Thanks to a life of charming and zufälligen Begegnungen, the Katzens play with a big Rolle, like Zachary and Marilee near them. Marilees freundliche Art et ihre Liebe zu Tieren lassen Zachary erkennen, was his bisher in seinem Leben gefehlt hat. When you start, you will be able to see what happens, and you will be able to take care of it.

The film will stream on Hallmark Movies Now on Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV and Sling TV streaming.

“The Christmas Card”, (2006), 7.0/10
“The Christmas Card” is a romantic film from the Weihnachts, der von der Kraft, a unique gesture. The story goes that an American soldier named Cody Cullen gets ideas in Australia about a military map from a woman named Faith Spelman. Die Karte, die ihn tief berührt, gibt ihm Hoffnung und das Gefühl von Verbundenheit in der Ferne. Nach seiner Rückkehr in die USA spawned Cody the little Californian village, on the map, and most likely on Faith and her family. I helped you in your guest hotel and you got to know your activities and traditions. Doch Faith is bereits in einer Beziehung, and Cody versucht, seine Gefühle im Zaum zu halten, während die beiden sich allmählich näherkommen.

Today you can watch Tubi, Amazon Prime Video and Apple TV.

“Journey Back to Christmas,” (2016), 7.0/10
“Journey Back to Christmas” is a Weihnachts herzerwärmender film, der die Zeitreise a Krankenschwester named Hannah. The story began in January 1945, when Hannah was busy with the World War II and her love and thoughts. One day you will have a castle in a house and you will be transported to January 2016. In modern angekommen America, Hannah came to the charge of services and thought about the future. There is a group of friendly police officers who have their help and are found in the new time. Während sie the modern Weihnachten erlebt, entdeckt sie in der Gemeinschaft and bei den Menschen um sie herum erneut den Geist et die Bedeutung des Festes.

The film is streaming on Prime Video, Apple TV and Roku.

“Wreath for Christmas”, (2015), 6.9/10
“Wreath for Christmas” is a romantic comedy. The story is about Allie Evans, a warm and luxury New York hotel, who created a new management as a governor in a European royal palace recently. The young princess Theodora is there precisely for her lack of autonomy and her strategy. Allie schafft est mit son frundlichen Art, das Herz derwidespenstigen Prinzessin zu gewinnen. Während sie immer more zum Familienleben beiträgt, entwickelt sie Gefühle for König Maximillian, den Vater von Theodora. Trotz ihrer unterschiedlichen Lebenswelten kommen sich die beiden näher, doch das Königshaus et die königlichen Pflichten stellen sie vor einige Herausforderungen.

The film shown on Amazon Prime Video is streamed and is also available under Hallmark+-Dienst.

“A December Bride”, (2016), 6.7/10
“A December Bride” is a romantic comedy from the romantic era, for a Layla, a young woman, who must travel to the time of Halloween, for her exverlobter with her right-born cousin . In the current era, there is nothing else to do and for your Ex to behave, so if you have a spontaneous agreement with Seth, a charming college, the most interesting benefits are and vorgibt, your friend is within it. Seth once again has a schritt plus and goes to the Feier Bekannt, which Layla seine Verlobte is. This position extending to now, in its deepest position, was the cause of turbulent and romantic situations. Während Layla et Seth Zeit miteinander verbringen, entwickelt sich a echte Bindung 2wischen ihnen, et Layla entdeckt, dass Weihnachten et Liebe manchmal auf unerwartete Weise zusammenfinden.

“A December Bride” is available on Hallmark Movies Now on Amazon and Apple TV.